Estancias,Guest Ranches Uruguay
About six or seven might be estancias, ranches in a stricter sence, being working cattle ranches that generate a significant part of their income with livestock and/or agriculture. Estancia …
Estancia San Pedro de Timote Uruguay
San Pedro de Timote might be the most prestigious and best known historic Estancia of Uruguay. As an estancia, in the 19th and 20th century sense of an estancia it was founded by Pedro …
Estancia Aguila Blanca guest ranch Uruguay
It is here where Estancia Aguila Blanca has been converted by its scottish-argentinian owner family into a guest ranch while at the same time preserving its true nature as a working cattle …
Estancia Tornero guest ranch Uruguay
Tornero is an authentic Uruguay Estancia, a working cattle ranch of beef cattle and sheep Estate and mansion date from the turn of the century. The 2nd volume of "Antiguas Estancias de …
Estancia Guardia del Monte guest ranch Uruguay
Guardia del Monte, a traditional estancia / guest ranch in Rocha, Uruguay, off the Atlantic coast, offering accomodation, horse riding
Photos Uruguay
I used to travel quite a bit in Uruguay as farmland realtor and shoot photos here and there. Some I have put below. Now I am retired, but I still take the odd photo or video. Uruguay ranch and …
Uruguay photos movie sets - estancias-uruguay.com
Anyhow, Uruguay is modernising. But a slight air of being forgotten by the rest of the world remains to this day – here and there. We drive around a lot, shooting photos of Uruguay, we …
Photos of Uruguay - Fotos aus Uruguay - Winter - estancias …
some of the photos shown below I took on our farm in Uruguay and some while touring the country as farmland realtor. Die unten gezeigten Fotos sind zum Teil von unserer Farm in …
Photos Uruguay - pictures Montevideo - estancias-uruguay.com
Photos Uruguay - pictures Montevideo See below some images of Montevideo I took since 2005 or so, mainly in the old center, the Ciudad Vieja. Montevideo is not only old though, it has its …
Posada Inn Balcon del Abra Uruguay - estancias-uruguay.com
Posada Balcon del Abra, upmarket rural inn / guest ranch in the countryside of Lavalleja, Uruguay, 2h drive from Punt del Este, horse riding