Gallica – The BnF digital library | BnF – Institutional website
The documents selected by the BnF illustrate the French written heritage and its influence in Europe and worldwide. They compose an encyclopaedic and comprehensive library, representative of major French authors and of the various trends of reflection and research over the centuries.Gathering rare or not easily available documents, this selection is completed by documents allowing to place ...
The Bibliothèque nationale de France Catalogue Général
CATALOGUE GÉNÉRAL. Contents of the catalogue général. Books and periodicals kept in the storage and on the shelves Documents in audio format (78 rpm recordings, phonograph records, compact discs, and audio cassettes), video format (videotapes and videodiscs), multimedia and electronic formats (CD-ROMS, DVD-ROMS, video games etc.)
Accueil | BnF – Site institutionnel
La troisième édition des cours de numismatique proposés sur le site Richelieu a pour thème le bestiaire métallique. Cette séance explore la diversité des représentations animales sur les monnaies grecques et leurs interprétations.
The Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue - BnF
The BnF Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue contains descriptions of manuscripts, drawings, and archival fonds on various media held by several departments, as well as descriptions of the Bibliothèque’s institutional archives since the 17th century.. This catalogue is exclusively in …
Gallica, la Bibliothèque numérique de la BnF et de ses partenaires
Gallica intra muros. Gallica intra muros est accessible uniquement dans les salles de lecture des différents sites de la BnF. En plus des ressources disponibles en ligne sur Gallica, vous y trouvez plusieurs centaines de milliers de contenus protégés au titre de la propriété intellectuelle, numérisés par la BnF et ses partenaires.
RetroNews, the BnF press website | BnF – Institutional website
To enhance the digitization of historical newspapers and make these valuable resources even more accessible, BnF-Partenariats, the subsidiary of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), has created and developed RetroNews, the leading website dedicated to historical press : …
Des millions de ressources disponibles gratuitement en ligne
Pour les ados et adultes : Apprendre et s’amuser Apprendre. Les « Essentiels de la Littérature » offrent de parcourir les œuvres et auteurs de la littérature française, du XVIII e au XIX e siècle. Des bancs de la maternelle au bac de français, les sélections éditorialisées de Gallica regroupent de nombreuses ressources pédagogiques gratuites.
François-Mitterrand | BnF – Institutional website
Free access collections are available in all fields. room A: Audiovisual Media room B: Press and Media room C: Science and Technology room D: Law, Economics, Politics; room E: Bibliographic Research, Books, Libraries room F: Arts and Sports room G: World Literature room H: French Literature room I: National Centre for Children’s Literature; room J: …
The BnF's Richelieu site | BnF – Institutional website
What the Richelieu site offers. The site offers several functions: A centre for research in history and history of art, bringing together BnF’s specialised departments (Performing Arts, Maps & Plans, Prints & Photography, Manuscripts, Coins, Medals and Antiques, Music), as well as the libraries of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art and the École nationale des chartes.
Richelieu | BnF – Institutional website
The Richelieu Library hosts the BnF reading rooms (Department of Manuscripts; Prints and Photography; Coins, Medals and Antiques; Performing Arts; Music), the Library of the National Institute for Art History (INHA) and the Library of the École nationale des Chartes (ENC).