Why is Rome the headquarters of the Catholic Church?
Aug 19, 2023 · Because the Pope lives there. Roman Catholic Answer The Vatican Hill in Rome was where St. Peter was buried. Pope Symmachus (498-514) first built a Basilica over his …
Is it true that in 1857 Pope Pius emasculated statues inside
Nov 15, 2022 · This Pope, to his credit, spared most of the art in the Vatican. Clement XIII (1758-1769) had the Vatican mass produce fig leaves for statues that still sported penises. By 1857, …
Why do you think the Byzantine emperor refused to help the pope …
Apr 28, 2022 · After the fall of Rome to Germanic mercenaries in 476 AD, the eastern or Byzantine Empire continued for another 1,000 years until conquered by the Ottomans in the …
It is folly to live in Rome and strive with the pope? - Answers
The pope is the head of Rome and he therefore wields quite a lot of power. The saying therefore implies that you cannot strive with a person that is more powerful than you are.
What was the leadership in Rome before Peter became pope?
Dec 14, 2022 · A:Irenaeus, in the latter part of the second century, describes the church of Rome as the "greatest, most ancient and known to all, founded and established by the two most …
How did urban decay affect Rome? - Answers
Rome ceased to be a significant city at the political level. It retained a spiritual role as the seat of the bishop of Rome (the pope). Rome was badly affected by a sack by the Vandals who seized ...
Where did Peter say he was not worthy to die like Jesus?
Apr 27, 2024 · This tradition henceforth made Anicetus and future bishops of Rome the successors of Peter.A century after Anicetus, Origen changed this to say that Peter was …
What is the difference between Gregorian calendar and Roman
Jun 30, 2024 · The Gregorian calendar is the calendar system currently in use worldwide, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It is a solar calendar based on a 365-day year with …
Vicarius filii dei what does it mean? - Answers
Dec 24, 2022 · Vicarius Filii Dei is an authentic Latin papal title that means "Vicar of the Son of God." It was used recently by Pope Paul VI in Bafianae (January 11, 1968), an Apostolic …
When was Valentine's Day first an official holiday? - Answers
Aug 19, 2023 · In 496 AD the pope turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast day. He proclaimed that it was to honor of Saint Valentine a Roman martyr from the 3rd century. ... One was a …