Zoo Praha (hlavní stránka) - Prague Zoo
Prague Zoo Introduces Its New Tasmanian Devils. Since Thursday it has been possible to see four new Tasmanian devils at Prague Zoo. The males…
Admission prices (official) - Prague Zoo
Tickets can be bought at the zoo’s ticket offices (no later than 30 minutes before zoo closing time). Annual passes can also be bought on Prague Zoo’s e-shop.
Zoo Praha
Linky číslo 234, 235 a 236 jedou přímo před nový pavilon goril do zastávky Zoo Praha – Sklenářka. Nový pavilon goril Zjistěte víc o pražské Rezervaci Dja i o jejím kamerunském …
Animals - Zoo Praha
Prague Zoo is intensely involved in the protection of animal species, whether they live under human care or in their natural habitats. Join us in helping them to survive!
Opening time - Prague Zoo
You can walk in the zoo until 16.00. Please note: The ticket office by the main entrance is open daily; the southern and northern ticket offices are open on weekends, public holidays and …
Before Your Visit - Zoo Praha
Prague Zoo is located in the Praha Troja municipal district. Its address is U Trojského zámku 3/120. If you want to take a trip to our zoo, you can go by public transport, car, or bike, or you …
History - Prague Zoo
The history of Prague Zoo goes all the way back to the year 1881, when, on the occasion of the wedding of Crown Prince Rudolf and Princess Stephanie of Belgium, Count Sweerts-Sporck …
About the Zoo - Prague Zoo
The history of Prague Zoo goes all the way back to the year 1881, when, on the occasion of the wedding of Crown Prince Rudolf and Princess Stephanie of Belgium, Count Sweerts-Sporck …
Prague Zoo map
How to get to our zoo; Prague Zoo map; Services for visitors; Entertainment programmes; Visitor Rules
Návštěva - Zoo Praha
Zoo Praha nabízí desetikilometrovou procházku exotikou. Návštěvnické cesty vás zavedou do mimořádných 12 pavilonů a k desítkám pozoruhodných expozic. Navštivte severskou tajgu, …