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YAESU - FT-8800R. 144/430 MHz Dual Band FM Transceiver. If you're ready for the best in a Dual-Band FM Mobile Transceiver, the FT-8800R is ready for you! With easy operation, outstanding receiver performance, and crossband repeat capability, the FT-8800R is the new standard of comparison!!
Yaesu FT-8800R Dual-Band Mobile FM Transceivers FT-8800R
Available in a limited quantity, the long-time favorite Yaesu FT-8800R Dual-Band Mobile FM Transceivers are still the right radio for you! With easy operation, outstanding two-receiver performance, and cross-band repeat capability, these great radios reset and maintained the Yaesu "Standard of Excellence" for years!
The FT-8800R is a ruggedly-built, high quality Dual Band FM transceiver providing 50 Watts of power output on the 144 MHz Amateur band and 35 Watts on the 430 MHz band.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-8800R - eHam.net
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-8800R Category: Transceivers: VHF/UHF+ Amateur Base/Mobile (non hand-held)
Yaesu FT-8800R, Yaesu FT8800 - Universal Radio
The FT-8800R features Yaesu's ARTS™ Auto-Range Transponder System, important in search-and-rescue applications. ARTS provides a "hand-shake" with other ARTS equipped transceivers and displays out-of-range or in-range.
The FT-8800 series operates as two radios in one, with either 144 MHz or 430 MHz as the "Main" TX/RX band, with simultaneous monitoring of the other band. Each band has its own Volume and Squelch controls, and you can configure your FT-8800 series for VHF-VHF or UHF-UHF operation, too! To get your message through when it counts, the FT-8800
The FT−8800R is a ruggedly-built, high quality Dual Band FM transceiver providing 50 Watts of power output on the 144 MHz Amateur band and 35 Watts on the 430 MHz band.
YAESU FT-8800R OPERATING MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Yaesu FT-8800R operating manual online. DUAL BAND FM TRANSCEIVER. FT-8800R transceiver pdf manual download. Also for: Ft-8800.
Yaesu FT-8800R Specifications - Universal Radio
108-520 and 700-999 MHz (cellular blocked). Specifications are subject to change.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-8800R - eHam.net
The FT-8800R has lots of memories, with the ability to display individual alpha-numeric labels. This is incredibly useful when you have a few hundred channels programmed, and can't quite remember where channel 312's 147.135 MHz is located.
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