The Fiqh of Travel - IslamQA
WHO IS A MUSAFIR? 1. The person who sets out with the intention of eventually travelling three manzils (approx. 77 km) * is regarded as a musafir in the Shari`ah. [* This is the Fatwa of Mufti Mahmud Gangohi (r.a.) as mentioned, in detail, in Masa’il-e-Safar of Mawlana Rafat Qasmi p 43 and briefly in Fatawa Mahmudiyyah v 2 p 269 and v 2 p 274.
Who is a Musafir. - IslamQA
I wish to find out what is the criteria used to define who is a Musafir? I have heard that once you pass 40 miles and in other narrations I have heard once you cross 48 miles? I have also read that when the Rasool (S.A) spent more than 15 days in one place he would pray his salaah as normal.
Who is Musaafir - IslamQA
What is the safar, who is musafir? Does the purpose of travel affect dispensations for mussafir in the Hanafi madhhab? The majority of scholars agree that the minimum required distance for a person to be considered a Musaafir is 4 Burud which is equivalent to 16 Farsakh or 48 (Shariah Miles) or 88 Kilometres or 55 English miles.
BEING A MUSAFIR (TRAVELER) - Questions on Islam
There are two different views as to when someone becomes a musafir: 1- Those considering the distance. According to that view, if a person travels to a distance of 90 km, he shortens his prayers because he is regarded a musafir. 2- Those considering the time. According to them, a three-day journey makes a person musafir.
Rulings Related To The Traveler (Musafir)
WHO IS A MUSAFIR? The person who sets out with the intention of eventually travelling approx. 77 km is regarded as a musafir in the Shari`ah. A person will not become a musafir until he firmly intends to travel 77 km from the place he is in. The moment he comes out of the boundaries of his town or city he becomes a musafir.
Prayers of a Traveler (Musafir) - Questions on Islam
A person is regarded as a musafir if he leaves the town or village he lives in with the intention of safar until he returns there or unless he makes an intention to stay at least 15 days in the town/country where he goes; therefore, he shortens his prayers.
Who can we call a musafir (Traveller)? - Islam Stack Exchange
Jan 22, 2015 · Briefly speaking, generally, in Islamic Fiqh, Musafer or passenger is considered as a person who has moved (got far) at least 8 Farsakh (unit of length equal to (about) 5.5km) from his homeland (the place (town or…) of his life) by noticing to its specific conditions.
source identification - who is a Musafir? - Islam Stack Exchange
Jul 3, 2014 · A musafir is the one who is travelling in a distance that is equal or exceeds two marhalah (apprx. 86 ~ 90 km) in one way direction. If lets say a town is 45km and he travelled forth and back, which is 90km, that cannot be considered as a musafir.
Musafir - Hajj and Umrah Planner
A Musafir (Arabic: مسافر) is a traveller. According to the Hanafi Madhhab, a person who sets out with the intention of travelling 77 km (48 miles) or more is regarded as a Musafir. The opposite of a Musafir is a Muqim.
Who is a Musafir. – Darul Uloom Trinidad & Tobago
May 24, 2012 · With respect to the main source which determines who is a musaffir, the Jurist of Islam has used different traditions as the criteria which all lead to the same conclusion.