terminology - What is kiting? - Arqade
Mar 25, 2011 · "Kiting" is a blanket term used to describe any strategy in which the mob is taking damage, but it is not dealing damage. Even root+nuking a mob could, in some sense, be considered kiting. Here are some strategies that are considered kiting: In EQ1, "fear kiting" was widely used by necromancers.
starcraft 2 - How to micro with zerg (i.e. surrounding, kiting
Kiting. Also known as stutter stepping, can be done in different ways, and is a personal choice. In this thread, a video and map can be found to practice stutter stepping. Your proposal looks fine enough. I usually switch between "attack move" and "move"... Stationary unit demolitioning
eve online - How can I avoid losing point when kiting? - Arqade
Oct 11, 2012 · I found that when I try to kite an enemy at the edge of scram or disruptor range they are regularly able to get away. I've tried to leave a bit more safety margin and orbit closer, but that doesn't...
How can I attack move click to kite while only targeting champs?
Feb 7, 2015 · (I use shift click when kiting) There is also the default key "tilde (~)" that will allow to target only champions. The main problem is that when kiting an enemy champions and if there is an enemy minions closer to me than the enemy champions, I would start attacking the minion rather than the champions (when using "attack move click")
How can I avoid being slingshotted when kiting? - Arqade
May 30, 2013 · I'm experimenting with a kiting Condor with tracking disruptors, and it works rather well against many frigates and even destroyers when I can avoid making stupid mistakes. Any turret ship with just afterburners has no chance of course, but some of the faster combat frigates with MWD can give me considerable trouble.
world of warcraft - How long and far can you kite a mob? - Arqade
Jul 29, 2012 · Because kiting generally involves some form of damage, minus the lock & mage who both have ranged snares. This would obviously limit how far you can kite a mob. – Jared
league of legends - What does "kite" mean in LoL? - Arqade
Apr 16, 2014 · I know the term kite from WoW, there it means letting the enemey move around and prevent it from dealing damage. Yesterday, someone in LoL said: "omfg udyr kite freakin ezreal!" I dont get this, ...
Why do high level/professional junglers seem to 'kite'?
Aug 24, 2015 · Kiting the jungle-creeps can be very championspecific. Spells which apply Nidalee Marks (Q-Spear and W-Trap) will cause the monster to freeze. Spells which apply Nidalee Marks (Q-Spear and W-Trap) will cause the monster to freeze.
What Are The Mechanics For Attack-Move - Arqade
May 1, 2014 · Explanation. Attack-Move or stutter stepping . is a mechanic that can be used by all champions in the game however it is very useful and important on ADC or Marksmen (season 3&4), the reason behind this is efficiency first.
My cruiser is being swarmed by smaller ships. What can I do?
Based on ship bonuses, skills, etc. this is not necessarily a real solution though. If you're still new into "kiting" (i.e. outrunning your enemies), you might be better off using close range weapons though (e.g. Autocannons or Blasters). Missiles could be a different option, because they don't require tracking.