Wayland - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Wayland, [2] also known as Weyland, [10] was a forested, mountainous planet [11] located in the galaxy's Outer Rim. [1] Wayland served as the base of operations of the Galactic Empire's cloning program early in its reign.
Wayland | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Wayland was a lush, semi-tropical planet in the Outer Rim Territories. Wayland was discovered and colonized during the Galactic Republic's second wave of expansion, [3] and served as a field hospital during the Mandalorian Wars. It was also the site of a factory for Lhosan Industries.
Mount Tantiss | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Mount Tantiss was a mountain on the planet Wayland that hosted Tantiss Base. During the early days of the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire relocated its cloning program from the extragalactic planet Kamino to the Wayland facility,[2] establishing it as the …
Wayland - The Clone Wars
Wayland, also spelled Weyland, was a forest planet that served as the Galactic Empire's new base of cloning operations following the Clone Wars. After terminating their contracts with the Kaminoans, the Empire relocated all viable clones and research personnel from Tipoca City on Kamino, which...
Wayland | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
On the world of Wayland, the Empire has hidden a secret military operation in the peak of Mount Tantiss. Concealed by the jagged landscape, deep underground Imperial scientists are continuing the work that began on Kamino, harnessing a deeper understanding of cloning technology at Emperor Palpatine's behest.
::System: Wayland - Star Wars Combine::
Wayland, as its name suggests, is a faraway system distant from the galactic core. Found in the Ojoster sector, it is one of the earlier systems to be discovered as humankind started intersystem hyperspace travel.
Wayland | EAW Wiki - Fandom
Wayland was discovered and colonized during the second wave of expansion of the Galactic Republic. During the Mandalorian Wars, the planet served as a field hospital. The Losan Industries factory was also located here.
Wayland | WikiSciFi | Fandom
Wayland is a planet in the Outer Rim that was the secret location of an Imperial storehouse located in Mount Tantiss. It was ruled by the clone Joruus C'baoth. Grand Admiral Thrawn came to Wayland to retreive the contents of the storehouse and join forces with the clone ruler.
::Planet: Wayland - Star Wars Combine::
Today, Wayland enjoys the public presence of Mandalorian government but is still considered a backwater planet by most. A small land-owning population is considerably wealthy from the …
Wayland - Planets | SWmud
The planet Wayland was originally discovered during the Old Republic's second wave of expansion. A colony ship crashed on the planet, and due to an improper entry in the official astrogation charts the colonists were left on their own.