High Plume Laboratory Exhaust Fans | Greenheck
The Vektor-CH uses a high-efficiency centrifugal wheel with backward-inclined flat or airfoil blade technology in a scroll style fan with an engineered high plume discharge nozzle. This centrifugal fan design offers greater airflow and pressure capabilities.
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Мы предлагаем материалы, которые проходят строгий контроль качества и идеально подходят для любых дерево- и металлообрабатывающих задач. Сотрудничая с нами, вы получаете гарантию стабильных и своевременных поставок, что позволяет вашему бизнесу работать без перебоев.
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Вектор-М - vektor-m.org
Основные области применения. Машиностроение: Используются для создания и обработки металлических деталей с высокой точностью и качеством. Строительство: Применяются для резки и обработки деревянных и ...
Вектор-М - vektor-m.org
Прайс-Листы. Абразивные Материалы (Прайс-Лист) Автохимия и Автосмазки (Прайс-Лист)
Vektor TMS | Logistics Software for Trucking Carriers & Freight …
Gain a comprehensive view of your logistics operations with real-time data and AI-powered analytics. Vektor TMS offers advanced tracking, performance metrics, and predictive analytics to streamline your supply chain, optimize resource allocation, …
Greenheck’s Vektor-ERS is a pre-engineered laboratory exhaust energy recovery system. In combination with our Vektor-C or Vektor-M series blowers, this system effectively removes contaminated laboratory exhaust and disperses the exhaust high above the roof while conditioning supply air.
See Greenheck Document #464652 (Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual: Vektor-MD, Vektor-MH and Vektor-MS) for full bypass air plenum (BAP) installation instructions. See image below to locate bolt holes. Install moly-coated 316 stainless steel …
High Plume Dilution Laboratory Exhaust Fans | Greenheck
Vektor-MD utilizes an inline mixed flow fan available in belt or direct drive configuration both with a bifurcated housing, keeping drive components out of the contaminated airstream. The windband and nozzle combination entrain ambient air to assist in the dilution of the contaminated exhaust.
These kits are to be used with the Vektor-M Energy Recovery System (ERS) curbs. The fasteners contained within the kit are to be used to assemble and join the bypass air plenum (BAP) and ERS sections. Use images located within this document to …