Umbi-gel - EA Health
Umbi-gel cream is an Antiseptic cream for the umbilical cord and Umbilicus used to prevent infections in Newborn’s after cord separation. It is the first of its kind in Uganda developed to …
Umbi Gel - Rocket Health Shop
Umbi- gel is an antiseptic cream for the umbilical cord and umbilicus used to prevent infections in newborns after cord separation. It is the first of the kind in Uganda developed to ease care of …
PACE will be launching Umbi-gel, a medicine used to treat
This chlorhexidine-based gel, approved by the World Health Organisation, will reduce infections amongst your newborn when applied correctly. Umbi-gel is available in Maama kits, as well as …
Fight to Prevent a Newborn Infection Receives a Lift
May 2, 2016 · The gel, called Umbipro, needs no refrigeration and comes in a sachet that can be opened without scissors. In 2012, a United Nations commission estimated that such a product …
Umbipro is an antiseptic gel used to prevent infections of the umbilical cord (omphalitis) in newborn babies. Umbipro contains the active substance chlorhexidine.
umbi-gel 4 % w/w topical external creams - chlorhexidine gluconate topical external creams 4 % w/w chlorhexidine gluconate - kampala pharmaceutical industries
European agency endorses antiseptic gel, developed through GSK …
An antiseptic chlorhexidine gel to prevent umbilical cord infections (omphalitis) in newborn infants in developing countries, advanced through GSK and Save the Children’s groundbreaking …
Umbi-gel Chlorhexidine 4% w/w Antiseptic Gel 15g tube. Topicals Commitment to Good Health. Others Commitment to Good Health Product Description Generic Name Category Form Pack …
225,000 babies born prematurely in Uganda - New Vision Official
Nov 18, 2016 · Health experts are also advocating for use of chlorhexidine gel commonly known as Umbi-Gel in prevention and control of neonatal infections. The Umbilical cord stump is a …
Umbi Gel – Rocket Health - eshop.tmcg.dev
Creams and Ointments / Umbi Gel. Umbi Gel. SKU: 5365 5365