Ausgrabungsstätten der Archäologie sind nur ... - Blizzard …
Ausgrabungsstätten der Archäologie sind nur in Hyjal/Schattenhochländer/Uldum im Classic Kataklysmus Verfügbar Aktualisiert: vor 10 Monaten Artikel-ID: 358617
Not Getting Credit for Achievement - Explore Uldum
If your character is level 120 and has unlocked the new timeline phasing in Uldum, you may not receive credit for Explore Uldum criteria while Visions of N'zoth assaults are active. To get credit, speak to Zidormi in Uldum and ask her to switch your character back to the earlier timeline.
Unable to use the Portals in Stormwind/Orgrimmar
Common Problems. There are no Portals nor NPC in Orgrimmar/Stormwind; Unable to enter the portal room in Orgrimmar/Stormwind
Questreihe zum Legendären Umhang - Blizzard-Kundendienst
Wir raten dazu, zuerst auf der Karte von Uldum oder dem Tal der ewigen Blüten nachzusehen, anschließend in der Herzkammer. Weitere Informationen zum Freischalten des legendären Umhang Ashjra'kamas, Tuch der Entschlossenheit, können in diesem Guide auf Wowhead nachgelesen werden.
Cannot See Any World Quests - Blizzard Support
World Quests must be unlocked and require certain character level. See How to Unlock World Quests. If you have unlocked World Quests and your character is the right level, check the following:
Archaeology Digsites Are Only Available in Hyjal/Twilight …
Cannot access locations to reach digsites. Archaeology Digsites Are Only Available in Hyjal/Twilight Highlands/Uldum in Cataclysm Classic
No se encuentra la siguiente misión - Cadena de Capa Legendaria
Te sugerimos abrir primero el mapa de Uldum y el Valle de la Flor Eterna. Si no ves el icono en ninguno de esos lugares, búscalo en la Cámara del Corazón. Para más información sobre la cadena de misiones que desbloquea la capa legendaria Ashjra'kamas, Velo de Resolución , te sugerimos usar un recurso como la guía de Wowhead .
Missing Flight Paths - Blizzard Support
In Modern WoW only, you can buy scouting maps which immediately unlock some flight paths for your character. Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge or Estelle Gendry in Orgrimmar sell most of them. Eastern Kingdoms: The Eastern Kingdoms Campaign (H) Modern Provisioning of the Eastern Kingdoms (A) Kalimdor:
Les sites archéologiques ne sont disponibles qu’à Hyjal/Twilight ...
Les sites archéologiques ne sont disponibles qu’à Hyjal/Twilight Highlands/Uldum dans Cataclysm Classic Mise à jour: il y a 9 mois ID de l’article : 358617
Connected Realms - Blizzard Support
Connected Realms. Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Garrosh, Gurubashi, Hakkar; Agamaggan, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, The Underbog, Kargath, Norgannon ...