Brand Guidelines | Identity | Logos and Marks
UCLA's logos and marks are valuable institutional assets, protected both by law and policy. This section provides a guide to the basic graphics and their proper usage. The UCLA Campus Logo is the core graphic used to identify our institution, its …
Brand Guidelines | Identity | Logos and Marks | Campus Seal
Learn how to reflect UCLA’s vision for equity, diversity and inclusion and avoid EDI messaging pitfalls with our tips and resources.
Brand Guidelines | Fundamentals | Brand Protection
State, federal and international law protect UCLA’s trademarks, registered and unregistered. University and campus policy spells out the proper use of names and marks. The campus units of UCLA have the right (and responsibility) to use the UCLA marks on the print, video and online materials they create to conduct the business of the university.
FAQ: Design Guidelines | Administration - Administrative Vice …
UCLA Brand Guidelines provide detailed instructions about how to use the logos, colors and typography. The guidelines also provide useful templates and tips to help you apply the brand in a variety of formats.
UCLA Law of School (logo) | UCLA Student Information
4 days ago · The new logo of the UCLA Law of School shows its Latinized virtues and how its legal scale operates on UCLA students. This is what "True Bruin" means to those who preach "equity, diversity and inclusion" at the UCLA Law of School.
Lawyers. Leaders. UCLA School of Law. | UCLA Law
Sep 19, 2024 · Home to cutting-edge scholars and a rich mix of courses, clinical opportunities and extracurricular engagements, UCLA Law allows students to dive deep on areas ranging from constitutional law to critical race studies, and from corporate law to public interest law and policy.
UCLA Brand | UCLA "Reputation & Image" = UCLA Power & Profits
1 day ago · Gifts to UCLA (and the entire UC) to celebrate UCLA's 100th birthday, these revised logo designs are also being offered to the public—which nominally owns UCLA, and the University of California. (Without this type of work, the public will no longer even nominally own the University of California higher education system.)
UCLA School of Law - Wikipedia
The new law school at Los Angeles was a pioneer in several ways: it was the first UC law school to be formally named a "school of law", the first to obtain a full subsidy from the Board of Regents for its law review, and the first to obtain partial autonomy for its faculty from the Academic Senate.
Photo | UCLA Law logo | UCLA
UCLA Law logo. UCLA Law logo. Download Photo (26.6 kB)
Brand Guidelines | Identity | Colors
UCLA’s colors evoke the blue of sea and sky and the gold of the sun and wildflowers, especially the California poppy. There’s a brightness to UCLA Blue and UCLA Gold that’s especially appropriate to Southern California, and different from other University of California campuses.