torch.topk — PyTorch 2.6 documentation
torch. topk (input, k, dim = None, largest = True, sorted = True, *, out = None) ¶ Returns the k largest elements of the given input tensor along a given dimension. If dim is not given, the last dimension of the input is chosen.
【PyTorch】torch.max()和torch.topk() - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在分类问题中,通常需要使用 max() 和topk ( )函数对 softmax 函数的输出值进行操作,求出预测值索引,然后与标签进行比对,计算准确率。 下面分别讲解一下 torch.max() 和torch.topk ( )函数的输入及输出值都是什么,便于我们理解该函数。 函数会返回两个 tensor,第一个 tensor 是每行的最大值;第二个 tensor 是每行最大值的索引。 在多分类任务中我们并不需要知道各类别的预测概率,所以返回值的第一个 tensor 对分类任务没有帮助,而第二个 tensor 包含了预测最大概率 …
Amazon.com: Butane Torch Top
Sondiko Butane Torch S400, Refillable Kitchen Torch Lighter, Fit All Butane Tanks Blow Torch with Safety Lock and Adjustable Flame for Desserts, Creme Brulee, and Baking—Butane Gas Is Not Included
torch.Tensor.topk — PyTorch 2.6 documentation
torch.Tensor.topk¶ Tensor. topk (k, dim = None, largest = True, sorted = True) ¶ See torch.topk()
TORCH TOP – Honeycut
“A torch can light a million more flames, while the original torch remains burning ever bright.” Keep that feeling in your heart the next time you hit your mark in this top! Model is wearing an AXXS. Bonus: pocket for pads if needed. Fits about 1/2 size small. PAIR IT …
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Locally owned by two brothers who have a strong passion for awesome beer, savory food and great company.
Top Torches
Top Torches is a gas powered dual-arc torch lighter that can’t be beat by rain, snow, wind, or cold thanks to hardy waterproof casing. Since it's 100% windproof and has 100% waterproof case you can use your gas powered lighter in almost any circumstance.
Torch Top Marvers - Griffin Glass Tools
Torch Top Marvers. Griffin Glass torch mount marvers are made with high quality isostatically molded graphite and precision cut sheet metal. Each marver is specifically designed to mount firmly to the torch and not interfere with the operation or use of the torch in any way.
How to efficiently retrieve the indices of maximum values in a Torch ...
Nov 9, 2018 · torch.topk(input, k, dim=None, largest=True, sorted=True, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor) Returns the k largest elements of the given input tensor along a given dimension. If dim is not given, the last dimension of the input is chosen.
3 Pack Glass Table Top Torch, Table Top Light Torches Outdoor Torch …
PACKAGE: Including 3 packages of external glass tabletop torch canisters, 3 wicks and 3 covers, and a beautiful box with a foam base to ensure you receive a safe glass torch canisters, which is a great gift ; LARGE CAPACITY FILL & DURABLE: Refillable molded glass table torch canister, each can hold 300ml fuel, approx. 12oz.