Hupa Karok Yurok Indian Baskets of California - from …
The Hupa, Yurok, Karok, Tolowa and Wiyot Tribes make up the Hupa Group. They made use of California hazel, pine root, squaw grass, and maiden hair fern. The Hupa used twining and open twining techniques with false embroidery.
California Indian Baskets - CaliforniaBaskets.com - Indian Basket ...
Basket Weavers for the California Curio Trade By: Marvin ... Patwin Indian Basket - Nomlaki Indian Basket - Tolowa Indian Basket - Yurok Indian Basket - Paiute Indian Basket-Tabtulabal Indian Basket please e-mail us at [email protected].
Great Basin Indian Arrowheads - CaliforniaBaskets.com
Consign Baskets Shows/Auctions Links Basket News Basket Books Weavers Tribal Map Native American Arrowheads Nez Perce Bag Ledger Drawings Columbia River Turtle Bowl Columbia Bowl River Rock Atlatl Weights. Bead Work Moccasins Pit River Klamath Dress. Art Work Don Hummel Vicki Hummel ...
Pomo Indian Baskets of California - from CaliforniaBaskets.Com
The Pomo used twined and coiled baskets as well as many other techniques. Ceremonial Gift Baskets, Hoppers for grinding, Cone shaped Burden Baskets all make up the Basketry of these fine weavers.
Dat So La Lee Basket Weaver- from CaliforniaBaskets.Com - Indian …
Datsolalee was a very talented basket weaver. In her lifetime she made over 250 baskets. Many of these baskets are in museums all over the country. The pattern of each basket had to be planned very carefully. For even if one strip was out of place the pattern would be ruined.
Consignment Baskets - CaliforniaBaskets.com
This late 19th century, circa, pristine Atsugewi basket is of white beargrass & red bud full twist. Twined overlay with willow foundation and pine root start at bottom of basket (as described by a curator at the Sutter Fort Museum in Sacramento.)
Columbia River Indian Rocks - from CaliforniaBaskets.Com
Basket News Basket Books Weavers Tribal Map Native American Arrowheads Nez Perce Bag Ledger Drawings Columbia River Turtle Bowl Columbia Bowl River Rock Atlatl Weights. Bead Work Moccasins Pit River Klamath Dress. Art Work Don Hummel Vicki Hummel Craig Bates Steve Allely Curtis Prints ...
Indian Baskets Shows - from CaliforniaBaskets.Com
Are you a collector of Native American Indian baskets? Then you need this absolutely amazing issue of Arizona Highways! Entire issue devoted entirely to Southwest Indian basketry!
Indian Trade Beads 1 of California - from CaliforniaBaskets.Com
Two Necklaces from the Columbia River Area...perfect..inlaid.. Trade Bells...Chinese Coins... On original buckskin strand TB# 29 $10,000
Yuki Indian Baskets - from CaliforniaBaskets.Com - Yuki Indian …
We buy, sell, and trade Yuki Indian Baskets. Contact us at: [email protected]