千 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
千 (Kangxi radical 24, 十 +1, 3 strokes, cangjie input 竹十 (HJ), four-corner 2040 0, composition ⿱ 丿 十) Phono-semantic compound (形聲 / 形声, OC *sn̥ʰiːn): semantic 一 (“one, signifying a number”) + phonetic 人 (OC *njin). The Old Chinese pronunciations of 千 (OC *sn̥ʰiːn) and 人 (OC *njin) were similar. For the component 人, compare its combining form 亻.
Stroke Order Diagram for 千 - Tanoshii Japanese
View the correct stroke order and learn to write all the kanji and kana for 千 (sen).
JLPT N5 Kanji: 千 (sen) thousand – JLPTsensei.com
Learn Japanese kanji: 千 【 セン / ち 】 Meaning: thousand. 195 of 2,500 most used kanji in newspapers. View JLPT N5 kanji list
千 Kanji Detail - Kanshudo
千 is a Japanese kanji that means 1000; thousand. 千 has 3 strokes, and is the 307th most common kanji in Japanese. Learn about 千 on Kanshudo.
千 (Kanji for thousand) | KANJIDAMAGE
千 is the kanji for thousand. Learn it and other kanji with our unique combination of vulgar humor and logic.
【千】(sen,zen,chi/ten thousand,1000) Japanese Kanji / JLPT N5
Feb 3, 2022 · Do you want to know about the Chinese character/Kanji 千? This article provides Reading, Writing, Radical, Vocabulary, Name of 千 used in Japan. If you want to master 千, this is a must.
WaniKani / Kanji / 千
Remember the thousand people going down the slide on a cross in the radical 千? Turns out each one of them was carrying a thousand cen ts (せん). Go ahead and try to calculate what a thousand times a thousand cents would come out to. It's quite a lot, actually.
千 : Thousand
Learn Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji with free online JLPT quizzes and study resources to help you remember and understand Japanese.
Kanji Details for 千 - Nihongo Master
thousand - Kanji Details for 千. See complete explanation and learn more examples and pronunciation.
千 - Thousand - Miageru
千 - Thousand Vocab using this Kanji. 一千 - One Thousand; 七千 - seven thousand; 三千 - three thousand; 九千 - nine thousand; 二千 - two thousand; 五千 - five thousand; 何千 - Thousands; 八千 - eight thousand; 六千 - six thousand; 千 - Thousand; 千億 - one hundred billion; 千円 - 1000 Yen; 千円札 - Thousand Yen Bill ...