Avoiding Aitu and the Wrath of the Teine Sa (Samoa)
Jun 19, 2017 · They are very jealous of pretty girls, so if they see that you’re pretty, walking around with your hair down or dyed a different colour, they make you suffer. Some believe they curse you with a sickness. Others believe breaking the rules and crossing the Teine Sa comes with more fatal consequences.
Teine Sā — the feminist icons of Sāmoa - E-Tangata
Teine Sā were known for their sexuality and jealousy — they seduced young men and became envious of beautiful girls with long flowing hair. If you walked around with red hibiscus behind your ear, maybe red lipstick, even red painted nails, you might attract their jealous wrath.
Horror series Teine Sā is bringing a new kind of Pacific storytelling ...
May 20, 2021 · In Sāmoan mythology, teine sā are beautiful spirit women who fiercely protect their local village or area. The series explores the nature of these beings and their role as protectors, and...
How Sāmoa’s spirit women, Teine Sā, became demonised - Re
Apr 15, 2022 · Once seen as protectors, Sāmoa’s spirit women, Teine Sā, were considered powerful female deities. But with colonisation and the arrival of missionaries, their reputation took a turn and also changed how women were viewed in Sāmoan society.
Heartland: Teine Sa - The Ancient Ones - by Andy Carr - Substack
Oct 7, 2022 · When toxic abusers are flying high, the Teine Sā cut them down like horrific monsters. When someone is lost and in need, these spirits give them the strength or inspiration they need, sometimes at the terrifying cost of those who would stand in their way.
Samoa’s Jealous Demon - Teine Sa - Legends From The Pacific
Kamuela Kaneshiro shares his experience with one of Hawaii's most popular ghosts. You'll also receive news of our show, and special deals. We respect your privacy. We will not share your email. You can unsubscribe at any time. Women aren't safe against this entity, which Western religions might have used to further their agenda.
The Temple of Aitu – Samoan Mythology
Aug 20, 2019 · In one village in the district of Faleālili (Upolu), they had a ghost (head ghost) named Lili. This ghost was worshipped annually, promptly when the month of June arrived. This celebration in honor of Lili occurred to show their gratitude for …
Teine Sa (TV Mini Series 2021– ) - IMDb
After centuries of slumber the Teine Sa, ancient spirit women of the Pacific, have been evoked to creep back into the modern world and engage with five different women. This contemporary horror series is based on supernatural legends from across the Pacific Islands.
The TELESÁ or TEINE SÁ, according to Samoan legend, are the ‘spirit women’ that guard specific forests, villages, pools and falls in Samoa. These spirit women fulfill their purpose with nature’s gifts. Their gifts come in the form of fauna afi (fire), matagi (wind) and vasa loloa (ocean).
Teine Sā - The Ancient Ones — thecoconet.tv - The world’s largest …
Teine Sā are the ancient spirit women, with the ability to bless and curse in equal measure. From the notorious goddess Telesa to the Hiama of the Solomon Islands, these tales of the unexpected take age-old stories on many twists and turns.
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