Tau titans : r/40kLore - Reddit
Jul 2, 2019 · Manta Destroyer. A small spaceship capable of atmospheric flight, with void shields and titan-grade weapons. Also ballistic suits are abominations that have no place in tau doctrine and shouldn't exist in the first place. t: 3 rd and 4 th edition tau player. Yes, I'm salty
Tau reacting to Titans for the first time? : r/40kLore - Reddit
Mar 16, 2022 · ‘Then thank the Tau’va we followed your course and stuck close, commander,’ said Udakoa. The ground-shaking booms of the nearest Titan’s footfalls were growing louder as it changed heading to approach the ridge directly, its inexorable approach leading it closer with every earth-shaking footfall.
Have the Tau ever seen Titans? : r/40kLore - Reddit
The Tau wisely allowed them to withdraw at that point. At first the Tau had to press-gang the Manta (basically their orbital troop-carrier) into close-support service to counter them, then they developed the awesome Tiger Shark AX-1-0 that was dedicated to the role.
The Tau see Titans for the first time : r/40kLore - Reddit
Nov 26, 2017 · Tau viewed titans as disastrously inefficient until getting bent backwards by titan support. Finally they caved and produced the supremacy armors because sometimes crucial battles win wars. It's also worth noting that titans were designed to fight wars during the DaoT, not the modern setting.
Help me understand Tau's anti-titan weaponry. : r/40kLore - Reddit
Oct 10, 2023 · So from what I can find, the Tau has 4 anti-titan weapons. Stormsurge, Ta'unar, AX-1-0 Tiger Shark, and Manta. I know AX-1-0 Tiger Shark solos Warhound Titans in a single strafe. But what about the other 3? How many Stormsurges does it take to take out a warhound, reaver, and warlord? 1 for Warhound? How about Ta'unar?
Can Tau take out an Imperator Titan. Have they ever even seen one?
Apr 21, 2022 · Taunars are 1000pts, Warlord titans are 5500. If we did roughly point for point equivalent, 5 Taunars vs a single Warlord titan would probably end with the Titan dead and a single, heavily damage Taunar remaining. One could call that a Tau victory BUT the Tau have very few Taunars compared to the Imperial inventory of titans class engines. Sure ...
What was the reaction of the Tau when Titans showed up during
The Imperium, on the other hand, needs to hope that the gambit pays off; once, they had the resources, knowledge, and manpower to build these holy edifices to the Omnissiah's greatness, but that was a thousand years ago, or more, and each Titan lost now is likely irreplaceable, while the Tau can almost always afford to just make more suits.
How well do Tau titans match up against the Imperium’s? The
The tabletop rules are unfortunately the only comparative stats we have, but they're not even close. Even a Manta loses in a firepower fight against a Warlord. The Tau can't engage Imperial Titans in straight up firepower contests. They lose. As far as Titan-killing goes, the Tigershark AX-1-0 is the best platform the Tau have.
Tau's Manta & Emperor class titan's : r/40kLore - Reddit
Apr 18, 2022 · The emperor class titan is a titan and thus at the complete mercy of airpower. It would be more up to the imperial navy really to deal with it than the emperor titan. The issue is tau air power is heinously over powered in lore, with even basic fighters carrying energy shields, thus making such a task for the imperial navy pure agony.
Is there an excerpt of the first time the Tau had contact with a …
Jun 22, 2021 · Space marines can kill the Tau units able to counter titans. And even if Tau is more advanced before Titan technologies, the sheer size of these shileds would still their uttmepts furtile. Not given time. Tau can hit the titan it can't hit them back. So it comes down to Astartes and haird to neutralise the anti titan units.