How does sylars power actually work : r/Heroes - Reddit
Feb 21, 2022 · Intuitive Aptitude, Sylar's original power, is the ability to understand the inner workings of anything, mechanical or biological. He can then use his power to repair or alter the object to improve it. By gaining access to a person's brain, Sylar can understand the neurological and chemical structure of the brain.
[Heroes] How does Sylar steal powers? : r/AskScienceFiction - Reddit
Apr 28, 2014 · Sylar possesses a power The Company has come to call "Intuitive Aptitude": the ability to understand something perfectly just from studying it closely enough, to the point of being able to copy it fully. He can learn anything by studying it closely, including how to use a …
An Analysis of Peter and Sylars' Powers : r/Heroes - Reddit
Nov 13, 2015 · Heroes is a show that aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006-2010. After 77 episodes, over 170 online comics, numerous webisodes, and many other stories told over various media, NBC decided not to review the show for a fifth season. A followup series, Heroes Reborn, aired on NBC from 2015-2016.
What happened with Peter Petrelli and Sylar in Heroes Reborn
Apr 4, 2020 · Heroes is a show that aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006-2010. After 77 episodes, over 170 online comics, numerous webisodes, and many other stories told over various media, NBC decided not to review the show for a fifth season. A followup series, Heroes Reborn, aired on NBC from 2015-2016.
Help me understand: S01E20 5 years gone plot hole? How did …
Jul 28, 2019 · Heroes is a show that aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006-2010. After 77 episodes, over 170 online comics, numerous webisodes, and many other stories told over various media, NBC decided not to review the show for a fifth season.
Sylar's Power Replication Mechanism : r/Heroes - Reddit
Mar 7, 2022 · Normally an Evo's abilities are instinctual "innate behaviors", granted by their genetics that they hone with practice; however for Sylar, his acquired abilities are instead "learned behaviors." He simply learns to use his own genetic structure to recreate the effects of others the same way people who suffer brain damage learn to function normally.
Why is Sylar so great? How did/do you feel about him? : r/Heroes
Heroes is a show that aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006-2010. After 77 episodes, over 170 online comics, numerous webisodes, and many other stories told over various media, NBC decided not to review the show for a fifth season. A followup series, Heroes Reborn, aired on NBC from 2015-2016.
Sylar (Heroes) is transported to the world of The Boys. Can he
Jul 13, 2022 · Obviously, Sylar's power works on Vaught's supes, but is not Compound V based (so Vaught can't develop countermeasures / Soldier Boy's secondary power does not get rid of Sylar's power or his assimilated powers). Sylar starts with no powers and must start by murdering a supe. Sylar has only knowledge of supes he can glean from the media.
Respect Sylar! (Heroes) : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Mar 26, 2021 · Powers Sylar acquires through his Intuitive Aptitude and uses in the first Season of Heroes. Freezing. Freezes Molly's father solid while he was eating cereal. Coats a road in enough ice to cause a group of police cars to crash and go flying
Sylar? : r/Heroes - Reddit
Jun 29, 2020 · Heroes is a show that aired on NBC for four seasons from 2006-2010. After 77 episodes, over 170 online comics, numerous webisodes, and many other stories told over various media, NBC decided not to review the show for a fifth season. A followup series, Heroes Reborn, aired on NBC from 2015-2016.