Whats the smallest stingray and what tank size
Mar 27, 2019 · It's been years since I kept rays, but as I recall, even the smallest will get 8-10 inches across. As far as tank size, it's more about footprint than volume.
Freshwater Stingray Profiles <--- | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jul 2, 2005 · They tend to only eat small live foods, such as ghost shrimp and blackworms for the first few months in captivity. Once acclimated, they can be weaned to other small prepared foods. Info: Potamotrygon Reticulata is one of the most common and mis-identified stingrays in the aquarium hobby. Often Exported and Imported as 'Teacup' Stingray, a ...
Smallest Freshwater Stingray | MonsterFishKeepers.com
May 13, 2007 · What is the smallest freshwater Stingray? How big? Common Name and Latin Name? Min. Tank Size? Feeding? and Anything else you want to put in. Still thinking about it.
Good Stingray Tank Size? | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jan 5, 2013 · Yeah it's good. I have a retic in a 210 and he's doing just fine and that's the same blueprint but 2 ft wide instead of 3. But that s good size tank. You'll get the people that say its too small but everyone likes to talk but won't walk if you know what I'm saying. It's plenty of room for small rays like retics and hystrixs as well as other rays.
smallest freshwater stingray | Fish Forum - Tropical Fish Forums
Aug 19, 2016 · Tea cup is just a name given to any small unidentified ray species . When small several of the species look alike and cannot be identified by external characteristics. They are usually either Potamotrygon hysterix or Potamotrygon reticulata both of …
new stingray owner & possible tank mates
Jan 24, 2013 · Small albino polypterus might get eaten being so small....The neons/tetras are my kids' fishes, amongst a couple others. Don't think they would forgive me, but they think the ray is beyond awesome!! The school of my old loaches did awesome and thrived for years in the 125g that had gravel first, then later sand.
What is the smallest freshwater ray? | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jan 2, 2013 · Teacups are retics. Teacup is a general name thrown on imported small juvenile rays. It would depend on the dimensions of your 220. I would have to agree that a couple of retics would be fine for awhile as long as you stayed on top of the water quality.
Is a 150 gallon aquarium too small for 1 Motoro Stingray?
Jul 11, 2017 · I've always been fascinated by freshwater stingrays, but kept away from them due to their size. I at one point was given a pair of them when I was 18 and I kept them for 6 months before selling them to a guy with a 220. I fed them by hand and they were awesome. If 1 can live in a 150 gallon...
Stingrays and Medications.... | Page 2 | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jul 2, 2005 · These ectoparasites appear as small brown circular spots, about 2-3 mm in diameter, and are more readily seen on light-color stingrays. Fish lice are usually only observed in small numbers (i.e., 2-3) and if gently touched the parasite will skitter across the …
can any stingray go in a 125? | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Aug 15, 2010 · Of course you can put a freshwater stingray in a 125. Your options will be limited to pups and small juvenile rays but a 125 would make a great "grow out" tank. Hystrix, scobina and retics can spend a great deal of their life span in a 125.