How to slice this bacon - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 1, 2011 · Now I have been doing alot of bacon specially here lately. ODD the wife calls it. I have been doing 12-14lb bellies and when it comes to slicing (I just have a small 6" blade slicer) i put the bellie in the freezer for about 30 minutes or so.
Which direction do you slice your bacon? - Smoking Meat Forums
Sep 22, 2014 · The fibers from each group run in different directions. That's what gives strength to the hold in the abdominal organs. You could slice bacon up down right left or even diagonally and it wouldn't matter. I should know, I'm a vet.
Slicing bacon, size and direction - Smoking Meat Forums
Dec 9, 2016 · Yes you slice it parallel to the tape. I cut mine half length ways before I cure it to give me ~6" rashers but you can still do that now. Yes with your belly it will give you a super fatty side however as you slice along the bacon it will vary.
Slicing a pork belly when making bacon... with or against the grain.....
Jan 4, 2015 · I slice mine all different directions, depending on which way it looks nicest and sometimes depending on the length, and so far I have never had a jerky like slice of Bacon. I only slice it to about 1/8th inch thick, if that means anything, and I …
Bacon Thickness | Smoking Meat Forums - The Best Smoking Meat …
May 11, 2017 · What I found was that bacon softly/lightly fried or not fried at all (cooked to safe 145F during the smoke) had great distinguishable wood flavor. When the same bacon was fried to be crispy I could not really tell the difference in the wood flavoring. I think that solved the mystery.
10” meat slicer for bacon? - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 9, 2019 · I like to freeze the bacon solidly then let it defrost until just starting to be soft on surface. Seems to be more consistent that way. If you slice before totally frozen, it doesn't slice as evenly. The pork belly I buy is usually a 4-5 lb slab, not the whole belly. So I don't have to trim it to fit my 12 in Berkel slicer.
Best Meat Slicer for Bacon and/or Brisket
Mar 24, 2013 · However don't pick on short slices of Bacon. My slicer could slice longer pieces than I produce with it, for a few reasons: #1 I cut my belly slabs in 3 pieces, so the pieces fit in gallon size ziplocks for curing. #2 Those pieces are easy to arrange on my MES racks. #3 Shorter slices are easier to vacuum pack & store.
Best Meat Slicer for Bacon and/or Brisket
Mar 24, 2013 · (Hypotenuse). Then I tilt the bacon upwards at about 45 degrees to the plane. kinda like this: / <- representing the bacon. Then I simply guide the slice down thru the cutting area and then slide using the slider. So the sequence looks like this: Tilt bacon to about 45 deg. Bring bacon down thru the cutting area until flat with blade engaged.
How to cut Buckboard Bacon - Smoking Meat Forums
Mar 6, 2014 · We used a meat slicer and cut with the grain and the results were good as long as we fried the slices like bacon to a crisp stage. We also cut the slices fairly thick and may cut them a little thinner to make the frying a little easier to get the …
Slicing bacon and the like - Smoking Meat Forums
Feb 21, 2022 · Trim to fit. On that tag that developed, flip the meat piece 180* (front to back)it’s normal. On belly bacon, fold the whole piece into a “C” shape and slice full length slices. I have the LEM Big Bite 10” slicer. Even in that carriage, I have to do all the things I have mentioned.