Unsupervised by Israel, arms dealers make millions | Opinion
Jun 28, 2023 · For three days the court heard the testimony of Brig. Gen. (ret.) Shaike Bareket, an agent of German shipyards and companies (Thyssenkrupp) that have been building ships for the Israel Navy for the past 30 years.
America and Israel Stories - Shaike Bareket - YouTube
AIPAC Policy Conference 2012
Hearings in submarine affair probe to be open to public, despite …
Mar 15, 2022 · Shaike Bareket, who held the position prior to Ganor, said last month that it was impossible that Netanyahu was not familiar with all the details of the deal.
Revealed: How Israel's Submarine Scandal Was Buried
Jan 7, 2021 · Bareket was a senior intelligence officer in the Israel Air force and former Israel Defense Forces’ attaché in Bonn. Against the background of the ties he forged with Germany’s leaders, he had acted as the broker in Israeli-German submarine deals for two decades.
Former Navy commander arrested in submarines case - Ynetnews
Jul 11, 2017 · The former IDF general is suspected of having pushed to replace then-ThyssenKrupp representative in Israel, Shaike Bareket, with businessman Miki Ganor.
Shaike Bareket's Story - Dark Moments in the White House
Speaker: Brig. Gen. (ret.) Shaike Bareket, military attache office in Washington"40 years since the Yom Kippur War",A conference that was held at the INSS - T...
Former Supreme Court chief Grunis to head state probe of …
Feb 20, 2022 · Shaike Bareket, who held the position prior to Ganor, said last month that it was impossible Netanyahu was not familiar with all the details of the deal.
When a President ensured US hegemony against Islamofascism
When Pres. Nixon heeded Israeli defense attache, Retired Gen. Shaike Bareket's appeal during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, it saved the US from losing Mid-East he...
News linked to shaike bareket: Where is shaike bareket …
Here is last information associated with person - shaike bareket on 2022-03-15, it consists of 4 articles
Netanyahu expected to be called as central witness in state probe …
Jan 24, 2022 · Shaike Bareket, who held the position prior to Ganor, told 103FM radio on Monday that it was impossible Netanyahu was not familiar with all the details of the deal.