Sea Troll Queen - OSRS Wiki
The Sea Troll Queen is a boss monster encountered during the quest Swan Song. She is the monarch of the Sea Trolls, and the apparent leader of the attack on the Piscatoris Fishing …
Sea troll - OSRS Wiki
Sea trolls are trolls encountered during the Swan Song quest. They first ambush the player and the Wise Old Man when first entering the colony. Players may also encounter sea trolls while …
Sea Troll - 5th Edition SRD
Sea Trolls are powerful aquatic monsters that lurk in the depths of the ocean, along rugged coastlines, and within submerged caves. Known for their immense strength and regenerative …
Troll, Sea - 5th Edition SRD
Sea trolls live near the large bodies of water of the world. Due to mutations, sea trolls have become viable hunters on land and in the water. Those that have mostly piscine diets have …
Scrag - Forgotten Realms Wiki
A scrag is a marine troll, a gilled form of the common troll. A scrag is found in a large body of water, as it needs considerable room to hunt. The coloration of a scrag runs from blue-green …
Sea Troll - Baldur's Gate Wiki
The Sea Troll is a marine breed of trolls that has developed gills in order to hunt in salt water. Its scales are olive-blue in color. Despite being the same size as the ordinary troll (9 feet), a …
Sea Troll - Final Fantasy Wiki
The Sea Troll is an enemy in the original Final Fantasy. It is a Water-based enemy and regenerates a small amount of HP each turn. They are otherwise easy to dispatch.
Sea troll - The RuneScape Wiki
Sea trolls are encountered during the Swan Song quest. They first ambush the player and the Wise Old Man when entering the colony. You may also encounter a sea troll while fishing for …
Sea troll - Harry Potter Wiki
The sea troll was a breed of troll that presumably inhabited the sea. They had purplish grey skin.[1] They were studied in first-year Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of …
Swan Song - OSRS Wiki
Swan Song is a quest about the adventuring life of the Wise Old Man. His help is requested in aiding the Piscatoris Fishing Colony get rid of a sea troll invasion. He views this quest as his …