Sea Quad: An Amphibian Vehicle Powered by Kite - Elite Choice
Jun 27, 2009 · The Sea Quad is a unique beach friendly vehicle that works well on the beach ad also on water, while being powered by a kite. It can keep up to 180 kilograms and can seat …
Kite-Powered Sea Quad Lets You Ride Over Sand And Sea
Jun 26, 2009 · Called the Sea-Quad, it’s a recreational kite-sailing catamaran with amphibious capabilities, allowing you to cruise both sand and sea. Weighing a relatively light 105kg, the …
Sea-Quad Amphibious Vehicle Can Go From Land to Sea
Jun 25, 2009 · Powered by sails, the Sea-Quad amphibious vehicle can go from land to sea without any modifications. Riders 'steer the Sea-Quad with a bar connected to a kite above …
Le Sea-Quad® : premier catamaran amphibie au monde
Il roule comme un char à voile, il navigue comme un catamaran. Il s’appelle le Sea-Quad. Engin de loisirs amphibie, le Sea-Quad® inventé par Martin Langinieux, est la parfaite fusion du char …
Sea-Quad adds sustainability to the thrill of water sports
Oct 3, 2009 · Running on four tires and two floats propelled by a kite wing, the Sea Quad generates power from wind and easily moves from sand to water and back, offering an …
Sea-Quad : Un catamaran amphibie d'un concept innovant
Fusion d’une cata kite et d’un buggy kite, le Sea-Quad est un engin innovant facile à piloter. Véhicule amphibie spécialement conçu par Martin Langinieux, designer et dirigeant auprès du …
Le Sea-Quad : le premier catamaran amphibie. - courseaularge.com
Nov 9, 2007 · Engin de loisirs amphibie, le Sea-Quad® inventé par Martin Langinieux, est la parfaite fusion du char à voile et du catamaran. Un nouveau support à la voile qui sera …
Sea-Quad, engin amphibie - APCI - Agence pour la promotion de …
Sea-Quad est la fusion d’un catamaran et d’un char à voile buggy kite. Muni de 4 roues reliées à 1 palonnier, il se pilote avec les pieds sur terre ou en mer. Il peut accueillir 2 personnes y …
SeaVee Boats - High Performance Sport Fishing Boats
Outfit your crew with the latest SeaVee gear available exclusively in our brand new store! Explore an industry leading line of high performance, built to order, sport fishing boats including bay …
Power Kite Forum - Sea-Quad - amphibious kite/sail catamaran
Oct 7, 2009 · Printable Version : Author: Subject: Sea-Quad - amphibious kite/sail catamaran: lad