Tagaloa - Wikipedia
Tagaloa is a sun god whose son Alo'alo married Sina, the daughter of Tuifiti. There is a legend about a figure called Tui Fiti in the village of Fagamalo on the island of Savai'i. In Manu'a, Tagaloa sent a vine to earth that resulted in maggots which became human beings.
Samoan mythology - Wikipedia
Samoan culture tells stories of many different deities. There were deities of the forest, the seas, rain, harvest, villages, and war. [1] There were two types of deities, atua, who had non-human origins, and aitu, who were of human origin. Tagaloa was a supreme god who made the islands and the people. Mafuiʻe was the god of earthquakes. [2]
Tagaloa : The Supreme God Of Samoan Mythology - Mythlok
Tangaloa is the supreme Samoan god. He is associated with the sky, heavens, creation, life, and protection. He is a powerful and benevolent deity.
Apr 30, 2013 · TANGALOA – The supreme deity of the Samoan pantheon, also called Tagaloa. He incorporates elements of the gods Kanaloa, Rangi and Lono from other Polynesian island groups. Tangaloa rules both the sky and the sea. One of his early acts was to use his nets to fish up the sun-fish and the moon-fish and set them in the heavens.
Samoan Mythology
The Legend of the Sun: Uiga I Ie La . There was a woman named Magamagai who was so distressed that she could do nothing but stare all day at the Sun. One day she became very heavy since she became pregnant from staring at the Sun. She bore a son and gave him the name Alo o le Lᾱ ( Child of the Sun)… more
Samoan Mythology
Maui, who is known as a god throughout the Pacific, is the son of Maeatutala and Talaga, who are both superhuman deities. This is the story where their son Maui brings fire to the people of Samoa, and therefore the wonderful new delight of the ability to cook food… more
5 of the Most Powerful Gods in Samoan mythology - Medium
Feb 1, 2024 · Tagaloa, the supreme deity of the Samoan pantheon. Tagaloa governs both the sky and the sea, employing his nets to draw up the sun-fish and the moon-fish, placing them in the heavens. These...
Samoan Gods in mythology - Mythlok
Another prominent figure in Samoan mythology is the mischievous Maui, a trickster god known for his cunning and bravery. Maui is famed for his many exploits, from slowing the sun’s journey across the sky to fishing up the islands themselves from the depths of the ocean.
The Legend of the Sun : Samoan Mythology
The story was told that whenever the Sun rose, it called out for a meal meaning a human sacrifice; the same call was made when the Sun set. These terrible customary sacrifices continued for eighty days in Papatea and resulted in diminished populations in the village.
TAGALOA - the Samoan God of Creation (Polynesian mythology…
Godchecker guide to Tagaloa (also known as Lo'o), the Samoan God of Creation from Polynesian mythology. A Creator God who made humans from grubs.