Robotic Lawn Mowers & Turf Management | ECHO - ECHO-USA.com
ECHO state-of-the-art robotic lawn mowers and range pickers operate 24/7 with whisper-quiet precision. Designed for flexibility and independent operation, these robots can be remotely controlled, freeing up your team for more important tasks.
TM-2050 Robotic Mower | ECHO - ECHO-USA.com
Guided with GPS-RTK navigation, this full-size autonomous mower knows every inch of its maximum 15-acre working area. Remote command and performance monitoring features are pioneering new tactics in turf management. Its tripled capacity and systematic pattern-mowing boost productivity without compromising quality. Cut loose and get the job done.
TM-1000 Robotic Mower | ECHO - ECHO-USA.com
Always ready to go, the TM-1000 brings precision in a small package at 8x lower energy costs than conventional mowers. Incisive and safe, 3 floating heads and 9 cutting blades yield a professional-grade cut while you sleep. Works day and night, and returns to …
Robotic Lawn Mower & Turf Management Equipment | ECHO …
Echo Robotics puts all its knowledge at your service with its golf ball collecting robots and several types of robot lawn mowers. Thanks to the TurfMower series, your lawn can be mown at any time, even when you are not there. Program the mowing schedules you want, the robot will do the rest.
Autonomous Mowers - ECHO Robotics
Not only can ECHO Robotics autonomous mowers triple mowing capacity, they can also deliver mowing pattern accuracy and cutting precision that standard ride-on mowers simply can’t. The bottom line: they offer up to 50% cost savings compared to conventional mowing on average.
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Keep home closer - Meet Astro, the household robot for home monitoring, with Alexa. Stay connected from anywhere - Remotely send Astro to check on specific rooms, people, or …
Echorobotics - Select your Location | ECHO Robotics
Select your location. Europe. Belgique; België; Belgien; Deutschland; España; France; Italia; Nederlands; United Kingdom
ECHO Robotics - YouTube
Rule your turf without setting foot on it. When the self-driving, self-charging, totally self-sufficient TM-2000 is on the job, it's not just you who's absen...
ECHO Robotics Mähroboter
Die ECHO Mähroboter mähen in festgelegten Zonen vollautomatisch. Je nach Modell wird der Mähroboter durch GPS oder hochpräzises RTK-GPS unterstützt. Unsere Großflächenmähroboter erledigen ihre Arbeit nach dem Zufallsprinzip oder per Musternavigation.
Mähroboter: ECHO Robotics TM-850 mit Musternavigation
Der neue ECHO Mähroboter TM-850 ist mit bis zu 30.000 m² Flächenleistung perfekt für ein Sportfeld geeignet. Der Roboter vereint die Technologien der Modelle TM-1050 und TM-2050 in einem kleineren Modell.