Possible for a Redback spider to be in the US? | Arachnoboards
Aug 15, 2007 · When I was a kid I loved collecting spiders, and remember seeing one that looked EXACTLY like a Redback spider. I tried catching it but it ran under a bush, which, while making me very disappointed back then, was definitely a good thing if it somehow was a Redback. Is it possible for a spider ingenious to Australia to be found in the US?
Black Widow vs Redback Spider - Arachnoboards
Jan 28, 2014 · The myths and fables about this spider abound. The fact is it's venom is about the same as L. Geometricus, ~.55 mg/kg and ~,45 mg/kg LD mice, respectively. They have been reported to be more active than North American species but much of the observations done have been with a significantly higher ambient temperature and all Latrodectus are ...
Possible for a Redback spider to be in the US? - Arachnoboards
Mar 23, 2013 · Redback spider specifically refers to the Australian Latrodectus hasselti, but other widows can have red markings as juveniles or as adults. Check out L. tredecimguttatus for example: 3
What is the differance between a Black Widow and a Redback?
Aug 29, 2019 · So, I'm kind of freaking out right now because I just sucked up (in a vaccum) what I thought was a black widow, but it was on my ceiling and the red was on it's back, not stomach. So I looked this up and found the redback spider. I live in Arizona, and can't find anything as it seems to come...
Wasp preys on Redback Spider; Dangerous Inverts
Nov 21, 2012 · Wasp preys on Redback Spider; Dangerous Inverts. Thread starter findi; Start date Nov 19, 2012; Nov 19, 2012
redback spider help | Arachnoboards
Jan 14, 2019 · redback spider help. Thread starter Jordan1998; Start date Jan 13, 2019; Jan 13, 2019 #1 J. Jordan1998
Possible for a Redback spider to be in the US?
Sep 13, 2017 · I just wish people would learn as quickly as they fear Good luck with that I am afraid ... Speaking of this situation with the L. geometricus , does anyone know if they are continuing to spread and if there are any current papers on …
Possible for a Redback spider to be in the US?
Sep 10, 2018 · Love me some treds, @dangerforceidle, always happy to see pics of them :) I find widows in general to be a very alluring and beautiful genus, but there is something else about the more interestingly marked species. I would put L. variolus up there, too, with their occasional white and red stripes.
Possible for a Redback spider to be in the US?
Sep 11, 2018 · they're commensals with humans and fail to thrive away from houses and irrigation. Can you direct us to a white paper on that? Feels a lot like a typical invasive finding niches in ecosystems, but extremely hyper. Some believe they're african, others believe they're australasian or...
Where to Find Ogre-Faced Spiders (Deinopidae) in the U.S.
Aug 26, 2017 · Part way through it was discovered that the OP meant the redback spider, not the ogre-faced spider, but thankfully these guys were mentioned beforehand . Last edited: Oct 3, 2018 Oct 3, 2018