Reviews For: Belden RG-8X - eHam.net
Review Summary For : Belden RG-8X; Reviews: 7 MSRP: .39/ft HRO; Description: Belden RG-8X "mini 8" 50 ohm coaxial cable is .242" diameter with a black jacket, foam dielectric, and a 16 AWG bare copper core.
Crimp On PL-259 Connectors - eHam.net
It's used for RG8x and RG58 and requires no cable preparation other than to have the end of the cable cut off squarely. It's made by Shakespeare and called "centerpin technology" connectors." At $8.00 a pop, kinda brings a new meaning to..
Reviews For: Messi&Paoloni Airborne 5 - eHam.net
To build the largest and most complete Amateur Radio community site on the Internet - a "portal" that hams think of as the first place to go for information, to exchange ideas, and be part of what’s happening with ham radio on the Internet. eHam.net provides recognition and enjoyment to the people who use, contribute, and build the site.
JSX Ugly Balun - eHam.net
The G3TXQ common-mode choke page shows a similar air-cored balun (25T RG58 on a 4.25" form) having an impedance of roughly 500 ohms at 2 MHz and a SRF near 10 MHz. If we say the 500 ohms at 2 MHz is inductance only it is 40uH, which …
Radio Shack 20-Ft. RG-58 Coax Cable Assembly Catalog #: 278 …
Better off to buy a good quality, high shield, RG8x, RG8u, LMR400 etc... Even for low power applications, just to get the improved shielding. I replaced this cable with a custom built RG8x and eliminated inductive noise in my radio. RX is improved, and reports from other operators claim my TX is improved as well.
Reviews For: ABR Industries: Coax, etc. - eHam.net
So I coiled up that near $70 worth of LMR-400 and threw it in the junk pile. Grabbed a coil of old, used, beat-up RG8X, put new PL-259's on and hooked it up to the antenna and the analyzer and shazam!! SWR is fine across the band!! No problems at all now. The problem all along was that ABR Industries LMR-400 coax.
Reviews For: Chameleon CHA URT1 Remote Tuner - eHam.net
Feb 27, 2024 · Putting some numbers to the disparity between matching at the antenna vs. matching at the transmitter: An SWR of 10:1, measured at the antenna, not at the transceiver, for operation at 14 MHz, will attenuate 50% of your power across 100 ft. of RG8 coax cable. RG8X is worse and RG58 is worse still.
Reviews For: Davis RF RG-8XIIA - eHam.net
K8LCS Rating: 2017-12-08; Very Nice Quality Time Owned: 6 to 12 months. I purchased Davis RF RG-8XIIA winter 2016 for a short 40' run for my new FT-991 and Diamond 2M Antenna my wife gave me for Christmas.
Reviews For: Times LMR coax - eHam.net
I have also used the LMR240 for runs in the mobile on VHF/UHF. The LMR240 is very close in size to RG8X but MUCH lower loss. I passed on using the LMR100 and LMR200 cable because it was too small and lossy compared to the LMR240. The 100 and 200 cable would be ok for very short jumpers. Overall, Times Microwave Cable beats the heck out of Belden!!
Feedlines (coax, ladder-line, etc.) - eHam.net
The Wireman CQ118 RG8X low loss mini 8 Messi&Paoloni Airborne 5 MDP Digital Coaxial Cable, RG213 Belden 9913 Shireen, Inc. RFC600 coaxial LadderLoc ABR Industries: Coax, etc. Shireen RFC-400 Coax Davis RF RG-8XIIA DX Engineering Part No. DXE-400MAX coaxial cable Times Microwave LMR \"EZ\" connectors Davis RF Heavy duty High power Ladder line