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In the following pages you will see examples of ‘classic style’ cues as well as new albums of cues organized into groups by design. Most of the cues you will see have been sold but if you are looking for something that is immediately available please pay …
RC3 Cues
Buy with confidence: All of our RC3 cues are custom made by Richard Chudy or RC3 Cues in the USA, for J&J America. Bonus : Free cue case or cue bag for these RC3 cues when buy at online price.
J&J Cue - J&J America Billiards Inc.
We are the distributor of Mezz Cues from 1995, longer than any other Mezz distributor in the USA. Just receive some nice custom cues from Tonkin Cues, McWorter Cues, RC3 Cues , Bender Cues, Gilbert Cues, Nitti Cues, Barnhart Cues, Josey Cues, AC Cues, Heath Outlaw Cues, and Stacey Cues. Some of them are fancy cues worth to collect.
Richard Chudy RC3 Custom 59” - integritycues.com
RC3 Cues are said to be some of the best cues on the planet for playability, so here you go. Finish is great and cue rolls amazing, you will not be disappointed. ☎️ THIS CUE IS AVAILABLE, PLEASE CONTACT FOR DIRECT PURCHASE ☎️ You just don’t see these very often, and there is a concrete reason.
Rc3 - Cornerstone Custom Cues|Billiard & Pool Cues
This natural material, gold and spalted cocobolo cue is a show stopper called the Sarasota Bel Air. It has a solid natural material nose and butt, along with solid gold ring work. It does not get more elegant than this beauty!
Richard Chudy Custom Cues
rc3 cues have appeared in all of the major collections commissioned by ICCS members and this can all be capped off by being invited into the collection of cues in the Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution.
Rc3 – Cornerstone Custom Cues|Billiard & Pool Cues
This is a beauty with the artistic flair that Rick Chudy is Known for! This is a stunning work of art at a great price!! Cornerstone Custom Cues carries the world’s finest investment grade custom pool cues.
Rc3 Cues – SOLD - Cornerstone Custom Cues|Billiard & Pool Cues
Here is a brand new 4 point cue with 2 shafts, fancy joint cap, and from a world class cue maker known for his consistent, great playing cues! This is a one-time chance to have a world class cue for under $1,000.00!
Richard Chudy/rc3 cue review. | AzBilliards Forums
Sep 20, 2009 · I just received my rc3 cue from Richard this past Tuesday. I will be doing a review some time this coming week. I need to take pictures and all. This brings my count of rc3 cues to two. I might have another in the works. When ordering my cue, Richard worked with me all the way and you could have said I was a pain at times.
Richard Chudy "RC3" Custom Pool Cue For Sale - Custom Billiard Cue
A beautiful cue with Spalted Maple butt sleeve and 3 high and low points into Purple Heart. The linen wrap is an off white with double brown spec, and is a perfect match to this cue. The points have Richard’s signature one sided veneers.