The Stelae of Quirigua - Uncovered History
Jun 24, 2014 · Stela D was built for Cauac Sky who is easily identifiable by the unusual Pharaonic beard. Cauac Sky was the most prolific and powerful ruler in Quiriguá’s history, coming to power in 724 AD and reigning for an incredible 61 years. This Stela dates to, which equates to the 17 February, 766 AD.
Quiriguá - Wikipedia
Stela U comes from Group A and bears a heavily eroded portrait of a king in wrap-around style (extending over three sides of the stela). This style originated in Tikal and indicates contact with the central Petén region.
Quiriguá - Uncovered History
The Stelae of Quirigua. The stelae at Quirigua are an outstanding example of Mayan art and include Stela E which is the largest monolithic monument ever erected in Mesoamerica.
Quirigua - mayan ruins website
Quirigua is renowned for having the tallest carved stelae, and the most elaborately carved sculptured monuments, in the Maya World. Stela E, which depicts ruler Kak’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat is a stunning 35 feet/10.6 meters in height with a weight of some 65 tons.
Mayan Stelae at Quirigua - Atlas Obscura
Jun 19, 2017 · Mesoamerican monoliths and zoomorphic stones covered in royal visages, ancient mythology, and grand celestial events. One of the major monoliths at the ancient Quirigua site.
Quiriguá: The Maya Creation Stones - Uncovered History
Jun 30, 2014 · The stelae at Quirigua are an outstanding example of Mayan art and include Stela E which is the largest monolithic monument ever erected in Mesoamerica.
Quiriguá Guatemala | Discover the beautiful Maya stelae and ruins!
Jun 10, 2019 · Quiriguá Guatemala is one of them, and known for its beautiful Mayan stelae and ruins. In a green tropical valley, between banana plantations, you will find monuments with beautiful sculptures and hieroglyphics. In this article I’m guiding you through the Quirigua archaeological national park in Guatemala. Quirigua archaeological national park
Quiriguá | Living Maya Time - Smithsonian Institution
Quiriguá is famous for its many stelae, which are the tallest in the Maya world. The stelae are carved on four sides with images of kings, hieroglyphs, and calendar dates. Stella C has inscribed in stone the Maya Long Count calendar date 4 Ajaw 8 Kumk’u, corresponding to August 11, 3114 BCE.
The Zoomorph and Stela Plaza of Cauac Sky | Maya Ruins of Quirigua
Jan 8, 2004 · Stela E is the largest stela in the Maya area, and stela rises 26.5 feet tall above ground and is a massive 35 feet tall including its stone shaft. The north and south sides are carved with near-identical portraits of Cauac Sky.
The Best Guide to Visiting the Quirigua Mayan Ruins in Guatemala
The largest stela at Quirigua: One of the most impressive discoveries at Quirigua is Stela E, the largest stela at the site. The stela stands over 8 meters tall and is the tallest known Mayan stela from the pre-Columbian era.