PYREX® Volumetric Pipets, Serialized/Certified, Class A, Color …
Calibrated to Class A tolerances in accordance with ASTM E-542, ASTM E-694 and ASTM E-969. Each pipet is individually serialized. Sizes 1 mL through 25 mL are color-coded with colored graduations enameled onto the glass. Tested and calibrated …
PYREX® 2 mL Volumetric Pipets, Class A, TC/TD, Color-Coded, …
These precision 2 mL PYREX® volumetric pipets are manufactured and calibrated (TC - bottom line) and To Deliver (TD - top line) to specifications for Class A volumetric ware. Pipets are color-coded with colored graduations and calibration lines enameled onto the glass.
7100-50 | PYREX® 50 mL Reusable Glass Volumetric Pipets, Class …
These 50 mL PYREX® volumetric pipets are manufactured to Class A capacity tolerances as indicated by ASTM E-969. New design allows more complete and efficient drainage. The rugged construction, colored enamel graduations provide a pipet which will give good life and service.
PYREX™ Reusable Class A Volumetric Pipets - Fisher Sci
Each pipet is individually serialized and supplied with a Certificate of Identification and Capacity, traceable to NIST standards. These precision pipets are manufactured and calibrated “To Contain” (bottom line) and “To Deliver” (top line) to specifications for Class A volumetric ware.
Pyrex® volumetric pipette, certified, to contain, to deliver, …
Pyrex ® volumetric pipettes (volume 5 mL) are calibrated to Class A tolerances in accordance with ASTM E-542 and ASTM E-969.; Each pipette is individually serialized and supplied with a Certificate of Identification and Capacity, traceable to NIST standards. These precision PYREX ® volumetric pipettes are manufactured and calibrated "To Contain" (TC - bottom line) and "To Deliver" (TD - top ...
Corning™ PYREX™ Reusable Class A Volumetric Pipets, Color-Coded
These pipets are manufactured to Class A capacity tolerances as indicated by ASTM E-542, ASTM E-694, and ASTM E-969. The rugged construction and colored enamel graduations and markings provide a durable pipet. Sizes 1 mL through 25 mL are color-coded. Cat. No. 7100-50 new design allows more complete and efficient drainage. Do not pipet by mouth.
Pyrex ® pipettes, Class A color-coded reusable - MilliporeSigma
Pyrex® pipettes, Class A color-coded reusable volume 4 mL, accuracy: 0.01 mL; Synonyms: pipet at Sigma-Aldrich
Pyrex ® serological pipettes, disposable, non-sterile, unplugged
Disposable PYREX ® glass pipettes are calibrated "to deliver" (TD) with blow-out ; Long, slender, tapered tips of pipettes make pipetting faster and easier; All pipettes have negative graduations and fire polished tips for burr-free, even flow rates ; Nonsterile, unplugged and bulk packed.
7085-10 | PYREX® 10 mL Reusable Serological Pipets, TD, Color …
These reusable 10 mL PYREX® serological pipets are color coded by size for easy identification and sorting. Colored graduations are enameled onto the glass. These (TD) pipets must be blown out to obtain total rated capacity.
Pyrex Serialized/Certified, Class A, Measuring (Mohr) Pipettes
Reusable Pyrex® Mohr pipets are calibrated to Class A tolerances in accordance with ASTM E-542, and ASTM E-1293. Each glass pipette is individually serialized and supplied with a certificate of identification and capacity, traceable to NIST standards.
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