Posthumanism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
This activist reading of the posthuman has been similarly embraced in recent years by numerous scholars who meld posthumanist frameworks with other critical approaches to embodiment, subjectivity, culture, and the environment, particularly through feminist, queer, and, as we discuss below, ecocritical lenses (e.g., Duckworth and Guanio-Uluru ...
Transhuman, posthuman and complex humanness in the 21st …
Apr 1, 2020 · A posthuman is a person making and acting upon decisions about one's own body. To promoters of the philosophy, extension of the progressivist quest of humanness forces society to reach its fullest, boundless potential. Bostrom summarizes three general central capacities of the posthuman: •
Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of …
Apr 1, 2019 · Posthuman thinking however adds the idea that identity can arise in ways beyond consciously attributed meaning; it being about a body's form and role within an assemblage and importantly, levels of bodily association and solidarity that are not always verbalized (such as shared participation in common affects and atmospheres).
Posthumanism and Design - ScienceDirect
Mar 1, 2017 · In her book The Posthuman, Rosi Braidotti traces three lineages of posthuman thought, each of which creates its own interpretations and variations of posthumanism: 1) moral philosophy; 2) science and technology studies; and 3) anti-humanist philosophies of subjectivity. 52 All three agree that science and technology have the power to reshape ...
Climate anxiety as posthuman knowledge - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 2023 · This paper instead theorises climate anxiety as an emergent form of posthuman knowledge, albeit one that is dominated by vulnerability rather than affirmation. Put this way, the cultivation of ethical relationality through meaningful multi-species encounters holds potential for transforming this vulnerability and alleviating the anxiety.
‘Posthuman cosmopolitanism’ for the Anthropocene in India: …
Nov 1, 2019 · To this end, the paper recasts nonhuman animals 1 as vital members of urban societies, and proposes the notion of ‘posthuman cosmopolitanism’ to plan species-inclusive cities or zoöpolises as sustainable cities of the Anthropocene. Seymour and Wolch (2009: 215) emphasise ‘zoöpolis’ as philosophy and practice of inclusive spatialism ...
Nursing in a posthuman era: Towards a technology-integrated …
Jul 1, 2023 · In a posthuman era, the conventional understanding of “humans” as pure biological beings separate from other species such as animals and machines, becomes challenged. Rather, the definition of humans becomes more fluid and variable, encompassing a range of entities surpassing the traditional human form.
Rethinking 21st Century Fisheries Management: posthuman …
Jun 1, 2023 · This paper introduces posthuman philosophies to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM), and it explore the case of the Columbia sea lion in the Pacific Northwest United States. We offer a multispecies livelihoods perspective as an applied approach to wildlife-human conflict by adhering to the biocultural hierarchies of the region.
Posthumanism in ecofeminist literature: Transgressions in Kazuo ...
Sep 1, 2024 · The posthuman condition that situates tensions of dystopic entropy, loneliness, and lack, calls for an ecofeminist agency that operates on relational and diverse frames of action. The “intersubjective becoming” that posthumanism shares with ecofeminism to this extent, only allows for an emphasis on further transgressions.
Can there be a posthuman civil society? - ScienceDirect
Nov 1, 2018 · While drawing these strands of thought under posthumanism, I do not suggest that they form a coherent ontological position, or that they exhaust the specter of posthuman philosophies. I therefore focus on them as a set of approaches to the extent that they share a radical skepticism toward the notion of the subject and subjectivity in the ...