Home | The Polygon School
Feb 10, 2010 · Here at the Polygon School we want to encourage and develop a motivation for learning that will stay with our students throughout their lives. Our aim is that students are safe, healthy, happy and that they are engaged in our curriculum.
Who's Who | The Polygon School
The Polygon School, Handel Terrace, Southampton SO15 2FH | Telephone Number: 023 8063 6776 | [email protected]; Sitemap; Policies Accessibility Statement Cookie Information Website Policy Log in
Our Policies | The Polygon School
School policies cover every aspect of school life. All policies are read and reviewed by the the Governing Body and approved by them in their full board meetings. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
Maths | The Polygon School
At the Polygon School, our aim is for all pupils to be numerate, confident mathematicians. This will support their future economic well-being. We want our pupils to be flexible problem solvers and for them to understand the relevance of their maths in real contexts throughout the curriculum and also different careers.
Safeguarding | The Polygon School
All staff, employed at The Polygon School, undertake accredited Safeguarding Training annually and refresher training through the academic year. As per statutory procedure, all employees also complete Prevent Training every two years.
PSHE | The Polygon School
The Polygons PSHE scheme of work supports the active development of a school culture that prioritises physical and mental health and wellbeing, providing children with skills to evaluate and understand their own wellbeing needs, practise self-care and contribute positively to the wellbeing of those around them.
Science | The Polygon School
At The Polygon School scientific enquiry skills are embedded in each topic the pupils study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at school as well as incorporating cross-curriculum themes such as PE, PSHE and British Values.
Contact Details | The Polygon School
The Polygon School, Handel Terrace, Southampton. SO15 2FH . Telephone Number: 023 8063 6776 (Standard landline charges apply) Email: [email protected]
Ethos and Values | The Polygon School
At the Polygon School, we are driven by our ethos; ´Engage, Inspire, Achieve’. All of our pupils are recognised and respected as individuals. We support our pupils by providing opportunities for them to learn in and out of the classroom.
Polygon School Curriculum | The Polygon School
Polygon School Curriculum: What do we believe? The curriculum must be designed to meet the needs, wants and aspirations of our pupils whilst understanding the complexities of the communities in which they live.