tkinter - How to draw polygons with Python? - Stack Overflow
May 15, 2017 · How do I draw a polygon in python? 0. Draw a polygon using draw.polygon. 1.
python - Calculate area of polygon given (x,y) coordinates - Stack …
Jun 28, 2014 · If you have a polygon with holes: Calculate the area of the outer ring and subtrack the areas of the inner rings If you have self-intersecting rings : You have to decompose them into simple sectors Share
python - Extract points/coordinates from a polygon in Shapely
Dec 9, 2013 · The trick is to use a combination of the Polygon class methods:. from shapely.geometry import Polygon # Create polygon from lists of points x = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0] y = [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] poly = Polygon(zip(x,y)) # Extract the point values that define the perimeter of the polygon xx, yy = poly.exterior.coords.xy # Note above return values are of type `array.array` assert x == xx ...
matplotlib - ploting filled polygons in python - Stack Overflow
Apr 30, 2020 · import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from matplotlib.patches import Polygon from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection fig, ax = plt.subplots() patches = [] num_polygons = 5 num_sides = 5 for i in range(num_polygons): polygon = Polygon(np.random.rand(num_sides ,2), True) patches.append(polygon) p ...
What's the fastest way of checking if a point is inside a polygon in …
Apr 4, 2016 · I found two main methods to look if a point belongs inside a polygon. One is using the ray tracing method used here, which is the most recommended answer, the other is using matplotlib path.
python - SciPy Create 2D Polygon Mask - Stack Overflow
I need to create a numpy 2D array which represents a binary mask of a polygon, using standard Python packages. input: polygon vertices, image dimensions; output: binary mask of polygon (numpy 2D array) (Larger context: I want to get the distance transform of this polygon using scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt.)
geometry - How do I draw a polygon in python? - Stack Overflow
Jul 29, 2014 · pygame.draw.polygon(screen, black, [[300,400],[150,100],[450,300]],6) In the future, it may be useful to check for collinearity before drawing, so you know you'll get a real shape. Generally, you can determine whether a collection of points are collinear, by comparing the slopes of the line segments they form together.
python - How to draw a polygon on a tkinter canvas using a class ...
Nov 17, 2015 · from tkinter import* root = Tk() shape = Canvas(root) class GUI(): def __init__(self): pass def create_polygon(self, points, colour, posit): try: shape.delete...
python - How to fill polygons with colors based on a variable in ...
Aug 21, 2015 · Just to add to @Marjin van Cliet's answer, you could use a dictionary to map a vector of floor numbers to colors, obviously you would need to also set the polygon corners from the dataset too in the loop.
python - Faster way of polygon intersection with shapely - Stack …
Mar 29, 2017 · Actually this is quite fast for an individual polygon/grid cell combo with around 0.003 seconds. However, running this code on a huge amount of polygons (each one could intersect dozens of grid cells) takes around 15+ minutes (up to 30+ min depending on the number of intersecting grid cells) on my machine which is not acceptable.