Pluto – Mythopedia
Dec 9, 2022 · Pluto was the lord of the subterranean underworld, which in Roman mythology served as the resting place of departed souls. He lived underground in a gloomy palace, and seemed to have little interest in the world of men.
Hades - Mythopedia
Dec 7, 2022 · Statius: Hades/Pluto and the Underworld feature a few times in the epic Thebaid (first century CE), which relates the war of the Seven against Thebes. Claudian: The Rape of Proserpina, a fourth-century CE poem, gives a detailed account of how Hades/Pluto carried off his niece Persephone/Proserpina. Mythological Handbooks (Greek and Roman)
Juno – Mythopedia
May 19, 2023 · Juno’s siblings were Jupiter , Neptune , Ceres , Vesta , and Pluto . Family Tree Mythology Origins. Little is known about the original nature and function of Juno (prior to the influence of the Greek Hera).
Jupiter - Mythopedia
Aug 31, 2023 · The Greek Underworld god Hades (or Pluto) became the grim Roman Dis or Dis Pater (though Roman texts often simply referred to this god by the Greek name Pluto). The Greek agriculture goddess Demeter became the Roman Ceres .
Mythopedia – Encyclopedia of Mythology
Mythopedia is the ultimate online resource for exploring ancient mythology; from the Greeks and Romans, to Celtic, Norse, Egyptian and more.
Vesta - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · Vesta was the virginal Roman goddess of hearth and home, family life and child-rearing. A popular and uncontroversial deity, her enormous power over domestic tranquility ensured all prayers began and ended with devotions to her.
Neptune – Mythopedia
Dec 9, 2022 · Neptune came again into the world, this time less favorably disposed towards his father. Joining forces with Jupiter, the child who had been saved by Ops, Neptune and his siblings joined forces and overthrew their despotic father. When Jupiter, Pluto, and Neptune drew lots to determine the domains they would rule, Neptune picked the sea.
Tantalus - Mythopedia
Dec 8, 2022 · Tantalus, the son of the nymph Pluto and either Zeus or Tmolus, was a king, usually said to have ruled somewhere in Anatolia. For many years, Tantalus enjoyed the gods’ favor. For many years, Tantalus enjoyed the gods’ favor.
Mercury – Mythopedia
Dec 9, 2022 · The daughter of Ceres, Proserpina was abducted by Pluto, the god of the underworld, who had fallen in love her. Heartbroken, Ceres searched far and wide for her missing daughter. Using his ability to cross freely into the underworld, Mercury eventually found Proserpina with Pluto.
Mars - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · According to Roman mythology, Mars raped the innocent Rhea Silvia and sired Romulus and Remus, twins who would go on to establish the fabled city. Mars was largely based on the Greek god Ares, the Greek god of war, and shared much of his mythology. The two deities differed in at least one respect, however—while Ares was a source of ...