help needed identifying this tree , Hickory maybe?
Oct 17, 2008 · There are many types of hickory, and looking again at the pictures this could be one of the smooth-barked hickories. Pignut Hickory is the most common smooth-barked hickory here, so that is what I'll call it. Shagbark Hickory, and the less common Shellbark hickory have the really conspicuous shaggy bark that is easy to recognize.
Ash or Hickory? | Hearth.com Forums Home
Aug 11, 2010 · The easiest way to tell a Pignut Hickory from a Bitternut Hickory is to crack the nut and eat the nutmeat. Bitternut Hickories will taste like they are loaded with quinine - have a glass of something sweet nearby that you can drink after this test. Pignut hickories nuts are very small, and don't have the bitter taste.
Hickory as firewood | Hearth.com Forums Home
Apr 8, 2008 · I cut up a downed hickory last year , and I will agree, it did seem to season really fast. I was surprised how quickly it dried out. Hurricane Irene uprooted two big hickory trees along my riding trail in my woods. Worked one down to the trunk wood, was a good mature 35- 40 foot tree. Wow lots of nuts this year.
How long to season hickory | Hearth.com Forums Home
Oct 31, 2013 · I have seasoned hickory in my reserve stash that is ancient. It burns super but offers no help. Its also got bugs. I have shagbark and pignut that was cut this year. November. It read 38%-42% on the MM. I have decided to split them at 3". Most of the pignut is still in rounds. On this wood I save everything.
Is this pignut hickory? | Hearth.com Forums Home
Jan 16, 2011 · The bark on the long trunk section ( center right pic) looks like it could be hickory. So does the curved branch in far left pic. If hickory, it is probably either bitternut, pignut or mockernut, judging by the bark. Mockernut is the most common and it has very little dark heartwood, even in big diameter pieces. Some call it white hickory.
Is This Hickory? | Hearth.com Forums Home
Feb 13, 2007 · I have found shagbark hickory to be rather easy and fun to split compared to some - but as others have noted, this is not shagbark. That being said, the inside looks exactly what shagbark does so I wouldn't be surprised if this is some type of hickory.
Hickory as firewood | Page 2 | Hearth.com Forums Home
Dec 25, 2010 · The pignut hickory that I cut split and stacked last summer still feels heavy as a rock. Dont think it is ready to burn even after over a year of seasoning.Huh. A little under half my stack for '12 is going to be Pignut...dead standing but not …
Shagbark hickory, favorite time to split? - Hearth.com Forums
Dec 15, 2020 · I have had both shag bark and pignut hickory.. I split them pretty fresh.. It may sit in log lenth for a month or so put still pretty green. I go hydraulic so I'm not having any problems. Split green if you can. athe seasoning process really doesn't start untill the wood is split. So if your wood sits for 5 months.. that will not count.
Stringy wood sucks. Is hickory a stringy wood to split?
Dec 19, 2005 · I think I have Pignut (also called Smoothbark) Hickory as per my Audobon Tree Guide. Running some 8" to 12" rounds through my Ryobi splitter and having to pull the dang stringy splits apart sucks. These are my first hickory logs and I hadn't heard folks complain about it. Wondering if I have...
Ash or Bitternut Hickory? | Hearth.com Forums Home
Jul 20, 2007 · This looks like Bitternut Hickory to me - I cut a lot of it on my father-in-law's property. The photo of the smoother bark gave it away for me. The photo with the round split in half had the bitternut dark streaks in it as well.