Peppi Bow - Wookieepedia | Fandom
Peppi Bow was a female Gungan shaak herder who lived on Naboo during the Clone Wars. After several of her livestock had been poisoned after drinking from a river outside Naboo's capital …
Peppi Bow | The Clone Wars | Fandom
Peppi Bow is a female Gungan shaak herder living on Naboo during the final years of the Republic. Shortly after the beginning of the Clone Wars, the Gungan's herd became skittish …
Peppi Bow - StarWars.com
A Gungan shaak herder on Naboo, Peppi Bow watched in horror as her animals fell sick after drinking river water contaminated by the Blue Shadow Virus. Peppi helped Padmé Amidala …
Peppi Bow | Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki | Fandom
A Shaak wrangler on Naboo, Peppi Bow tends to her herd across the rolling plains and rivers of the idyllic world. Shaaks are notoriously sensitive to their environments, and sometimes the …
Peppi Bow - Facebook
Peppi Bow. 956 likes. Peppi Bow helped Senator Padme Amidala and Representitive Binks on Naboo during their investgation of the Blue Shadow Virus and Dr.Nuvo Vindi.
Category:Images of Peppi Bow | Wookieepedia | Fandom
This category is for images of the Gungan Peppi Bow.
Peppi Bow - Jedipedia | Fandom
Peppi Bow war eine Gungan, die in der Zeit der Klonkriege lebte. Ihre Hauptaufgabe war das Hüten von Shaaks. Als die Separatisten eine Basis, ein geheimes Forschungslabor des …
Peppi Bow - Encyclopédie Star Wars HoloNet
Peppi Bow était une femelle Gungan qui vivait sur Naboo durant la Guerre des Clones, et qui aida à arrêter le scientifique Nuvo Vindi.
Peppi Bow | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Peppi Bow was a female Gungan shaak herder living on Naboo during the final years of the Old Republic. Shortly after the beginning of the Clone Wars, the Gungan's herd became skittish …
Peppi Bow - Brickipedia | Fandom
Peppi Bow is a playable character in the Nintendo DS version of LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (DS)