Pattern Shapes by The Math Learning Center
Students use Pattern Shapes to explore geometry and fractions, create their own designs, or fill in outlines. As they work with shapes, students think about angles, investigate symmetry, and compose and decompose larger shapes.
How To Use Pattern Shapes - Math Learning Center
How To Use Pattern Shapes. Tap or drag to add shapes to the workspace. Then drag to move them. Tap a shape to select it. Drag on the background to select multiple shapes. Rotate selected shapes using the rotate handle. Change grids to snap shapes to grid lines on the workspace.
Pattern Shapes by The Math Learning Center
Students use Pattern Shapes to explore geometry and fractions, create their own designs, or fill in outlines. As they work with shapes, students think about angles, investigate symmetry, and compose and decompose larger shapes.
Number Frames by The Math Learning Center
Number Frames help students structure numbers to five, ten, twenty, and one hundred. Students use the frames to count, represent, compare, and compute with numbers in a particular range.
Number Pieces by The Math Learning Center
Number Pieces helps students develop a deeper understanding of place value while building their computation skills with multi-digit numbers. Students use the pieces to represent multi-digit numbers, regroup, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.