GitHub - PS3Xploit/PS3xploit-resigner: A Tool To Resign PS2/PS3…
A tool to resign PSX/PS2/PS3/PSP content for use with PS3 et'HAN'ol. PKG files are resigned converting from DEBUG to HAN style
HowTo: Sign PS3 Homebrew In A Single Click. - GBAtemp.net
May 9, 2011 · How do you install signed PS3 homebrew (.pkg files) on an unhacked system? You can't. You need Geohot's or KaKaRoTo's CFW. So it's blocked then, will keep you updated when a new version arrives.
PS3 - PS3xploit Resigner v1.3.0 - PSX-Place
Oct 13, 2014 · Resigning pkg files: creates han style pkgs to be installed with han enabler, simply drag and drop also patches pkg content to run apps which require rifs such as ps2 classics
Releases · PS3Xploit/PS3xploit-resigner - GitHub
Apr 17, 2018 · A Tool To Resign PS2/PS3/PSX/PSP Content For Use With PS3 etHANol 4.82/4.84 - PS3Xploit/PS3xploit-resigner
KG's [PS3] Save Resigner With Full Tutorial - PlayerSquared
Feb 27, 2025 · -Now look for "The Prince of Codes/[PS3] Save Resigner" and open it. -Now right click on [PS3] Save Resigner 2.0 and select "create shortcut". -Now drag and drop the shortcut onto your desktop to make a desktop shortcut to the KG Resigner.
Vimm's Lair: PS3 Vault
Welcome to the PlayStation 3 Vault. This Vault contains every known PlayStation 3 disc in the world, synchronized nightly with Redump. To play them you'll need an emulator from the Emulation Lair. All downloads are in .7z format and can be opened with the free tool 7-Zip. Disc and cover scans are provided by GameTDB.
Downloads - PS3 Mod Tools - The Tech Game
Jan 12, 2011 · Description: A simple PKG signer GUI. Filesize: 21.82 KB. Added: Wed. Jan 12, 2011. Downloads: 537
PS3 - TrueAncestor SELF Resigner by JjKkYu - PSX-Place
Resign executable files for PS3 with this tool for PC (Windows). The tool can also be used to resign SELF/EBOOT.BIN but also SPRX files... Check it out! 1. Add Magic Patch EBOOT/SELF/SPRX function. 1. Add raps checking before decrypt/resign EBOOT.BIN. 2. Change bruteforcer engine to klic_bruteforcer. 3. Add new klics.txt to tool folder. 1.
PS3 - PS3xploit Resigner v1.3.0 + How to Convert PSX / PS2
Mar 14, 2018 · It's important to say, when installing a signed pkg, HAN needs to be enabled. Click to expand... Put your rap in "raps" folder and run "sign_all.bat" and install the created pkg.
PS3 PKG Signer Gui: Signer vos PKG facilement - Logic-Sunrise
FamousMassacre membre de ps3hax nous propose un Gui d'un des outils que Geohot a sorti hier, à savoir PS3PKG Signer qui permet de signer vos pkg très facilement., Ce Gui ne permet que d'effectuer la dernière opération pour rendre compatible vos pkg avec le CFW 3.55 de Geohot (soit la tâche réalisée avec l'outil "packatage finalize ...
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