OTT Hydromet
OTT ecoLog 1000 now with conductivity. The OTT ecoLog 1000 all-in-one water level logger and telemetry solution is now available with conductivity measuring capabilities. Learn More
OTT netDL - OTT HydroMet
Los registradores IP OTT netDL 500 y 1000 permiten manejar de forma segura grandes cantidades de datos. Son multitarea y destacan por su gran capacidad de almacenamiento y …
OTT Hydromet
OTT ecoLog 1000 now with conductivity. The OTT ecoLog 1000 all-in-one water level logger and telemetry solution is now available with conductivity measuring capabilities. Learn More
OTT Hydromet
OTT HydroMet - United Competencies. OTT HydroMet provides valuable insights for experts in water and weather applications to help protect lives, the environment and infrastructure.
The OTT RLS 500 and OTT RLS 500 HF radar sensors are used for precise, non-contact measurement of water levels in surface waters. Operation of the OTT RLS 500 (HF) is based …
OTT Hydromet
OTT Hydromet helps water resource professionals generate reliable data throughout the entire environmental water cycle. Our solutions focus around: Water Quality: Hydrolab …
Flujo y caudal - OTT HydroMet
El molinete universal OTT C31 se utiliza desde hace décadas con excelentes resultados para la medición del caudal en arroyos, ríos y canales. Se puede utilizar como molinete de barra o …
OTT HydroMet
OTT HydroMet ayuda a los profesionales de recursos hídricos generar datos confiables a través del ciclo del agua. Vamos más allá de simplemente proveer soluciones, al asociarnos con …
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– adapter to 4.5" observation well (for OTT ecoCap 4") 55.530.478.3.1 – adapter to 6" observation well (for OTT ecoCap 4") 55.530.480.3.1 ) additional accessories – e.g. aluminium top caps, …
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