Smarthistory – Hunefer’s Judgement in the presence of Osiris
This, and a Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figure, inside which the papyrus was found, are the only objects which can be ascribed to Hunefer. The papyrus of Hunefer is characterized by its good state of preservation and the large, and clear vignettes (illustrations) are beautifully drawn and painted.
Papyrus inscribed with six "Osiris Liturgies" - The Metropolitan …
This papyrus is dedicated to a Priest of Horus named Imhotep. Divided into 62 columns, it contains 6 separate texts, all designed to provide for the protection and glorification of Osiris, the divine ruler of the realm of the dead.
Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead [Budge]
"Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are holy, thou being of hidden form in the temples, whose Ka is holy. Thou art the governor of Tattu (Busiris), and also the mighty one in Sekhem (Letopolis).
The Judgement of the Dead by Osiris - World History …
Apr 26, 2012 · The judgement of the dead in the presence of Osiris, from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer, from Thebes, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c. 1275 BCE. The scene reads from left to right. To the left, Anubis brings Hunefer into the judgement area.
Part of a funerary papyrus showing the judgment before Osiris
This fragment from a larger papyrus depicts the ritual of the Weighing of the Heart, in which the deceased demonstrated that he or she had lived an ethical life. Also known as the Judgment Before Osiris, this trial took place in the Netherworld, in the Hall of the Two Truths.
See photos of stunningly preserved 52-foot-long Book of the …
Feb 23, 2023 · Egyptian officials have released photos of an ancient scroll, the 52-foot-long (16 meters) Book of the Dead papyrus recently discovered in Saqqara. The 10 images show ancient illustrations of...
Osiris with Isis and Nephthys - Egypt Museum
He was the owner of the Papyrus of Hunefer, a copy of the funerary Egyptian Book of the Dead, which represents one of the classic examples of these texts, along with others such as the Papyrus of Ani. Hunefer was “Scribe of Divine Offerings”, “Overseer of Royal Cattle”, and steward of Pharaoh Seti I.
Osiris. Osiris passes final judgment on Hunefer, allowing him to enter the afterworld. Hunefer is referred to as having become “true of voice” or “justified.” This was a standard epithet applied to dead individuals in their texts. Osiris is enthroned as a king under a canopy, with his sisters Isis and Nephthys behind him.
Papyrus Referring to the Hall of Judgment - The Global Egyptian …
There are four papyri of which the last bears a description of the scene in the hall of judgment of the God Osiris. The papyri are inscribed with funerary texts and scenes relating to death and the afterlife and are considered to be guide books to the Netherworld, helping the deceased to overcome all the difficulties he would have to face in ...
papyrus - British Museum
Osiris wears an 'atef ' crown with the horns of the ram god Khnum, from whom they had been more or less inadvertently appropriated. His face is green, and he holds his identifying crook and flail. As so often in Ptolemaic and Roman Period representations of Osiris, his shroud is …