OCHA offers its location maps on Wikipedia
Dec 1, 2014 · An updated collection of more than 200 free country-location maps, created by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), can now be downloaded from ReliefWeb and Wikimedia commons. In addition, some maps are also featured on Wikipedia country pages.
Maps | United Nations Office for the Coordination of …
Oct 7, 2023 · all maps Filter by theme Filter by theme Themes -Access to Services --Education --Water, Sanitation and Hygiene --Health and Nutrition --Shelter and non-food items -Accountability -Casualties -Children -Destruction of Property -Displacement -Food security -Gender -Humanitarian Space -Movement and Access --oPt-wide (movement and access) --Gaza ...
Humanitarian Data Exchange | Find & Use Crisis Data | HDX
Access and share humanitarian data across crises and organizations. Explore on HDX 18762 datasets from 254 locations and 2118 sources to support effective humanitarian response.
At the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), we bring the world together to tackle humanitarian emergencies and save the lives of people caught in crises.
(Geneva / New York, 17 November 2010): A new collection of 200 free country maps, created by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to celebrate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day on 17 November 2010, is now available on ReliefWeb.
OCHA Annual Report 2023 Presence Map - World - ReliefWeb
Jun 6, 2024 · United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. We advocate for...
Homepage | UN Maps
May 24, 2024 · UN Maps supplies accurate and up-to-date information on national and subnational borders, as well as accurate and detailed coastline data, including islands and harbors. UN Maps produces...
Humanitarian Atlas
A tool for humanitarian organizations working on humanitarian crises to facilitate the planning and implementation of humanitarian activities.
Maps | United Nations Office for the Coordination of …
Dec 3, 2015 · Users can zoom into specific areas, display layers of their choice, change the background and export the final product to be used as a customized static map.
Interactive Map | United Nations Office for the Coordination of ...
This interactive map visualizes large amounts of data and conveys information in a way that is more powerful compared to static maps. It allows users to customize the visualization of data collected by OCHA from different sources, including global datasets and baseline information such as Open Street Maps or Google Maps.
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