Cyclone Mocha | MIMU
This page serves as a hub for resources on Cyclone Mocha - it contains emergency-related information as well as key reference documents to support the various stages of disaster management including preparedness, risk assessment, and post-disaster recovery.
Tropical Cyclone MOCHA - DG ECHO Daily Map - ReliefWeb
May 12, 2023 · Map in English on Myanmar and 1 other country about Shelter and Non-Food Items and Tropical Cyclone; published on 12 May 2023 by ECHO
Maps | United Nations Office for the Coordination of …
Oct 7, 2023 · all maps Filter by theme Filter by theme Themes -Access to Services --Education --Water, Sanitation and Hygiene --Health and Nutrition --Shelter and non-food items -Accountability -Casualties -Children -Destruction of Property -Displacement -Food security -Gender -Humanitarian Space -Movement and Access --oPt-wide (movement and access) --Gaza ...
Myanmar: Cyclone Mocha Situation Report No.1 (As of 14:00 25 …
Extremely Severe Cyclone Mocha made landfall in Myanmar’s Rakhine state on 14 May packing winds of 250 kmph as it approached the coast, making it one of the strongest cyclones on record to hit the country.
Extremely Severe Cyclone Mocha made landfall in Myanmar’s Rakhine state on 14 May packing winds of 250 kmph as it approached the coast, making it one of the strongest cyclones on record to hit...
Tropical Depression Mocha Forecast with Low-lying Areas as
May 10, 2023 · Download Map (PDF | 684.84 KB) NOTE: This map shows the predicted evolution of Tropical Depression Mocha based on information available as of 10 May 2023 (12:00AM).
Myanmar: Cyclone Mocha Flash Appeal, May 2023 | OCHA
This multi-sectoral Flash Appeal targets approximately 1.6 million people affected by cyclone Mocha and its aftermath across five areas of Myanmar – Rakhine, Chin, Sagaing, Magway and Kachin. A total of US$333 million is urgently required for this response plan to address needs in areas in all communities affected by the cyclone and its ...
OCHA offers its location maps on Wikipedia
Dec 1, 2014 · An updated collection of more than 200 free country-location maps, created by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), can now be downloaded from ReliefWeb and Wikimedia commons. In addition, some maps are also featured on Wikipedia country pages.
Tropical Cyclone MOCHA - DG ECHO Daily Map - ReliefWeb
May 15, 2023 · Map in English on Myanmar and 1 other country about Shelter and Non-Food Items and Tropical Cyclone; published on 15 May 2023 by ECHO
Maps | United Nations Office for the Coordination of …
Dec 3, 2015 · Interactive Map. This interactive map visualizes large amounts of data and conveys information in a way that is more powerful compared to static maps. It allows users to customize the visualization of data collected by OCHA from different sources, including global datasets and baseline information such as Open Street Maps or Google Maps.
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