Is there a way to use colored text in Obsidian? : r/ObsidianMD
Jan 14, 2022 · Explore ways to use colored text in Obsidian with community suggestions and examples.
Very basic question: how do I change the color of nodes?
Nov 20, 2021 · Assuming you mean nodes in the graph view, you can click the gear icon (in top left corner), and add a group. Then input the search parameters for which nodes should be a particular color. Click the dot to the right to select the color for that group.
How to make bold text more visible? : r/ObsidianMD - Reddit
Nov 14, 2022 · I'd like to add, as a suggestion to anyone reading, that you can also change the color of bolded text by putting this into the css file: strong, .cm-s-obsidian span.cm-formatting-strong, .cm-s-obsidian span.cm-strong { color: rgb(175, 239, 101); } I think it really helps to make the text stand out a lot more.
What are your favorite themes for Obsidian and why? : …
I've been using Minimal since I started using Obsidian last year. It's "flat", clean and uses color palettes that I love - Nord, Dracula and Everforest. It's also highly customizable and functional. What I don't like about it is its generous margins and padding around blocks and elements. But easily fixed by custom CSS.
Which ABC pant color to get? Black or Obsidian? : r/Lululemen
Jan 4, 2022 · With regard to the color, I felt like the black Commissions looked way too formal, almost like I could only wear them with a button down or a suit. You probably won't have this issue if you go with black ABCs though since they look more casual to begin with. Anyways I ended up going with obsidian Commissions, and haven't looked back.
Formatting colored text (italic, bold, etc) : r/ObsidianMD - Reddit
Jan 11, 2024 · Learn how to format colored text, including italic and bold, in Obsidian using CSS snippets and settings.
How to use text and highlighting colors easily : r/ObsidianMD
Oct 30, 2022 · If you install the Highlightr plugin, you can then select text and execute a Highlightr command to color the text. One way you might prefer to do that would be to add a single generic Highlightr command button to a toolbar. Then when you select text, you can click that command button and choose a desired color from a pop-up color-selection menu.
Heading with colors : r/ObsidianMD - Reddit
May 18, 2022 · That tells Obsidian to make my H1 headings yellow in my notes. In the VSCode editor, we can simply click a color icon next to an entry like that and choose another color. Save the file and we're done. Your themes are updated. An alternate method you'll read about is doing something similar in the Developer window you can open.
How to quickly color highlight and bold notes? : r/ObsidianMD
those are css snippets you can put in your vault's snippet folder (found in the .obsidian). You can then activate the snippet by toggling it in the appearance section of your settings. You can open and modify the snippets in VSCode so you can change the colors and such
Obsidian black vs Caviar black : r/Lexus - Reddit
Jun 12, 2019 · Obsidian is as black as black gets in all lighting and at all angles. I used to have an Obsidian when Caviar was not an option. If it was, I'd have gone Caviar. It's just different than other blacks and given its metallic nature will hide imperfections slightly better (still not well since black) than Obsidian.