Nurse to Doula - Birth Arts International
Join the Nurse to Doula Program at Birth Arts International. Our Nurse to Doula program offers specialized training to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques you need to transition smoothly into the role of a doula.
Become a Birth Doula – Certification - DONA International
DONA International offers the world's leading birth doula training and certification process. Join thousands of other DONA certified birth doulas around the world!
Becoming a Doula: Tips for a Career Switch - DONA International
Nov 18, 2021 · Being a registered nurse set a good foundation on which to build my doula business as I’m comfortable with bodily functions, can provide clear and concise education, and know when to refer out to a healthcare professional.
Doula Training and Doula Certification – DONA International
Dec 16, 2021 · DONA International is the leader in evidence-based doula training, certification and continuing education. Our doulas are the world's best! What is a doula? I want to FIND a doula. Parents, DONA International can help you connect with a professional, highly skilled birth or postpartum doula in your area. CERTIFIED DOULA DIRECTORY.
Becoming a Nurse Midwife vs. a Doula: What Are the Differences?
Nov 5, 2024 · Nurses may decide to work as doulas because they want to connect with their patients outside their clinical role as licensed nurses, use alternative techniques to manage stress and pain, and assist them through childbirth without epidurals or medication.
Expert Birthing Classes & Doula Birth Support
Discover the best personalized doula birth support and birthing classes for a peaceful, positive birth experience. Combining our knowledge and passion for women's health to bring peace to your pregnancy journey.
Questions about becoming a Doula – Childbirth Professionals International
Oct 22, 2023 · Who can be a doula? A doula can be anyone. Most doulas are female, but men can be doulas too. Individuals of all ages can be doulas from teens to retirees. You don’t have to be a nurse to be a doula. How long does it take to train to be a Doula? Actual class time is about 16 hours for a doula training.
National Doula Certification Board - Certifying doulas in the US
In order to become a Certified Professional Doula qualified to provide physical and emotional support to families before, during, and after childbirth, doula training is required, followed by an exam, and an official doula certification.
For nurses to value doulas, they must understand what a doula does and does not do and how she complements the nursing care and family support. They must also rec-ognize the benefi cial outcomes of doula care. Table 1 out-lines the major distinctions between nursing care and doula care. The doula ’ s sole responsibility is attending to the emo-
Episode 17: RN to Doula - What Doulas Know
Apr 29, 2020 · Carolyn and her guest Jennifer discuss their transitions from being a Registered Nurse during labor and delivery to serving as a doula. Jennifer also explains what she calls the “sales pitch” to women in labor.