Nomogram - Wikipedia
A nomogram (from Greek νόμος (nomos) 'law' and γράμμα (gramma) 'that which is drawn'), also called a nomograph, alignment chart, or abac, is a graphical calculating device, a two …
Nomogram | Definition & Facts | Britannica
Nomogram, calculating chart with scales that contain values of three or more mathematical variables, widely used in medicine, engineering, industry, and the biological and physical …
NOMOGRAM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of NOMOGRAM is a graphic representation that consists of several lines marked off to scale and arranged in such a way that by using a straightedge to connect known values on …
Prediction Tools | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering have pioneered the use of prediction tools known as nomograms to help patients and physicians make important treatment decisions. These tools …
Nomogram - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nomogram consists of a set of n scales, one for each variable in an equation. Knowing the values of n-1 variables, the value of the unknown variable can be found, or by fixing the values …
Topic 12 临床预测模型—列线表 (Nomogram) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
线图(Alignment Diagram),又称 诺莫图 (Nomogram图),它是建立在多因素回归分析的基础上,将多个预测指标进行整合,然后采用带有刻度的线段,按照一定的比例绘制在同一平面 …
Nomograms in Oncology – More than Meets the Eye - PMC
Nomograms are a pictorial representation of a complex mathematical formula. (1) Medical nomograms use biologic and clinical variables, such as tumor grade and patient age, to …
What is a Nomogram? A nomogram, also known as a nomograph, is a graphical calculating device that represents a mathematical relationship between three or more variables. It is …
What the heck is a nomogram? And other medical research …
Nov 16, 2017 · Basically it’s a set of lines that each have a scale marked off—in this case lines representing different characteristics of a type of non-invasive breast cancer (ductal carcinoma …
How To Build and Interpret a Nomogram for Cancer Prognosis
Mar 10, 2008 · Nomograms are widely used for cancer prognosis, primarily because of their ability to reduce statistical predictive models into a single numerical estimate of the probability of an …