Richard Nixon - Alpha History
Richard Nixon, US president between January 1969 and his resignation in 1974, oversaw the end of the Vietnam War and detente with the Soviet Union.
U.S. Presidents during the Cold War - Richard Nixon Foundation
Jul 13, 2022 · Nine presidents of the United States bore the burden of leadership during the Cold War. During that same period the Soviet Union was led by six different men. The actions of these leaders as they pursued a path to peace helped define the Cold War.
Nixon Doctrine | Cold War, US Foreign Policy & Vietnam War
Nixon Doctrine, a foreign policy of the U.S. government, announced by U.S. Pres. Richard Nixon in 1969, whereby the United States would thereafter support allies facing military threats with economic and military aid rather than with ground troops.
Foreign policy of the Richard Nixon administration - Wikipedia
The US foreign policy during the presidency of Richard Nixon (1969–1974) focused on reducing the dangers of the Cold War among the Soviet Union and China. President Richard Nixon 's policy sought on détente with both nations, which were hostile to the U.S. and to each other in the wake of the Sino-Soviet split .
Nixon’s Foreign Policy - Short History - Office of the Historian
President Nixon pursued two important policies that both culminated in 1972. In February he visited Beijing, setting in motion normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China.
Linkage (policy) - Wikipedia
Linkage was a foreign policy that was pursued by the United States and championed by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger in the 1970s détente, during the Cold War. The policy aimed to persuade the Soviet Union to co-operate in restraining revolutions in the Third World in return for concessions in nuclear and economic fields.
How Nixon’s 1972 Visit to China Changed the Balance of Cold War …
The historic 1972 visit by President Richard Nixon to the People's Republic of China marked a strategic diplomatic effort to warm relations between the two Cold War nations.
Nixon Doctrine — A Pragmatic Cold War Strategy - History
Nixon put the U.S. military on worldwide alert, causing the Soviets to back off and agree to a ceasefire that included a UN emergency contingent. This article is part of our larger collection of resources on the Cold War. For a comprehensive outline of the origins, key events, and conclusion of the Cold War, click here.
Richard Nixon: Foreign Affairs - Miller Center
As America's foremost anti-Communist politician of the Cold War, Nixon was in a unique position to launch a diplomatic opening to China, leading to the birth of a new political maxim: "Only Nixon could go to China."
Richard Nixon: Impact and Legacy - Miller Center
Nixon's most celebrated achievements as President—nuclear arms control agreements with the Soviet Union and the diplomatic opening to China—set the stage for the arms reduction pacts and careful diplomacy that brought about the end of the Cold War.