Welcome to Rome, NY - City of Rome
Nestled in the middle of New York State, Rome is only a short distance from the high peaks of the Adirondacks, New York City and Boston, and the world famous Niagara Falls. Within our city’s boundaries you can find history, art, culture, and nature.
Visitors | City of Rome, NY
Rich in historical treasures and surrounded by natural beauty, Rome is a great place for the recreational, historical or casual visitor. The City of Rome has a long and storied history dating back to before the Revolutionary War – when the Oneida Indian Nation, members of the Iroquois Confederacy, inhabited the land.
About Rome | City of Rome, NY
Historic Rome, NY, incorporated in 1870, is conveniently located in the geographical center of New York State at the foothills of the Adirondacks, and positioned at an important early land bridge between main waterways.
Our History | City of Rome, NY
Historic Rome, NY, incorporated in 1870, is a city of 72 square miles conveniently located in the geographical center of NYS at the foothills of the Adirondacks. Due to its strategic location, it was considered one of the most important transportation points for people and goods along the Great Passage during the settling and founding of our ...
rome-homepage - City of Rome
"A huge thank you to the Rome community for your overwhelming support in the aftermath of the devastating tornado that ravaged our city on Tuesday July 16, 2024. Together, we will demonstrate our resilience and rebuild stronger than ever. We are Rome Strong!" - Mayor Jeffrey M. Lanigan. For Up to Date Information, Please Click Here
Leisure & Attractions - City of Rome
The City of Rome, NY has many leisure activities to offer its year-round visitors including: Delta Lake State Park; Trailway Systems; Rome Sports Hall of Fame; Rome Sand Plains; J.F. Kennedy Arena; Woods Valley Ski Area; Bellamy Harbor Park; History. The City of Rome, NY has many historical attractions to offer its year-round visitors including:
The City of Rome is located approximately 45 miles east of Syracuse, NY, and lies in the western Mohawk Valley region of New York State at the confluence of the Mohawk River and the New York State Barge Canal.
City Government | City of Rome, NY
In the City of Rome, the Common Council is our main elected body. There are eight elected members of the Common Council, seven elected from each ward of the city and a Common Council president elected by the entire city.
City of Rome’s budget for 2025 is a plan that reflects our ongoing commitment to responsible fiscal management while recognizing the challenges we face. Like every family and business across America, the
Lead & Drinking Water - City of Rome
The City of Rome is doing an inventory of all water service lines to rule out lead pipes from the street to the house to comply with the revised Lead and Copper Rule. A water service line is the pipe that brings water from the water main in the street into your property.