Nathan Funk, MD - Cardiology - Asante
Nathan Funk, MD is a provider practicing at Southern Oregon Cardiology in Medford, Oregon.
Southern Oregon Cardiology - Medford - Asante
Brian W. Gross, MD, FACC, FAHA Specialties. Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology
Southern Oregon Cardiology - Grants Pass - Asante
Jaekyoung Hong, MD, FACC, FSCAI, RPVI Specialties. Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology
Heart - Your Health Matters
Featuring cardiologists Timo Dygert, MD, and Nathan Funk, MD, Southern Oregon Cardiology.
Cardiovascular Health & You - Your Health Matters
Oct 16, 2024 · Nathan Funk, MD Cardiologist with Southern Oregon Cardiology, will describe various diagnostic tests for cardiovascular structure and function and what they can tell us. How to Keep Your Heart Running to 100
Webinars - Your Health Matters
Mar 15, 2022 · Featuring cardiologists Timo Dygert, MD, and Nathan Funk, MD, Southern Oregon Cardiology. If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, a racing heartbeat, chest pain or swelling in your extremities, your heart might be telling you something.
Emily Steinbis, MD, Maternal & Children’s Health Department Chair (2025) Zachary R. Heeter, MD, Member at Large (2024/2025) ... Cardiology Nathan Funk, MD Dermatology Emergency Medicine Kevin Kelleher, MD Gastroenterology Adam Mougey, MD Hematology/Oncology Mujahid Ali Rizvi, MD ...
New Asante Heart Valve Clinic Brings the First of its Kind Life …
May 5, 2015 · In addition to Drs. Dauterman and Carmeci, cardiac imaging specialist, Dr. Nathan Funk, cardiac anesthesiologist, Dr. Ben Grable, and interventional cardiologist, Dr. Mark Moran, completed extensive training and visited five TAVR centers including Stanford, Cleveland Clinic, OHSU, University of Washington, and Providence St. Vincent.
Replacing a heart valve without open heart surgery
“Once symptoms of aortic stenosis occur, approximately 50% of patients will die within two years and the other 50% aren’t doing very well,” said Kent Dauterman, MD, a cardiologist with Southern Oregon Cardiology. “The treatment is a new heart valve.”
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