Pulse Sequences - Chemistry LibreTexts
Apr 16, 2022 · A pulse sequence is a succinct visual representation of the pulses and delays used in a certain NMR experiment. Depending on the experiment there may be hundreds of pulses! This page is dedicated to understanding what a pulse sequence is and how to understand the pictorial representations, as well as terms commonly used to describe parts of ...
Pulse sequence - Wikipedia
In Fourier transform NMR spectroscopy and imaging, a pulse sequence describes a series of radio frequency pulses applied to the sample, such that the free induction decay is related to the characteristic frequencies of the desired signals.
Pulse phases are relative phases with respect to the reference phase for signal detection. The phase programs are specified behind the pulse statements, and defined at the end of the pulse program.
experimental technique, called \pulsed NMR" (PNMR), was introduced in 1950 by Erwin Hahn. Pulsed NMR is used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Purcell and Bloch won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952 for NMR; more recently NMR was the subject of Nobel Prizes in Chem-istry in 1991 and 2002.
The most basic and common pulse sequence you will encounter is the ‘1-PULSE’ FT-NMR experiment (e.g. seqfil = ‘s2pul’ in VNMR), which is the sequence used for routine 1 H and 13 C acquisitions.
NMR Pulse - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
NMR experiments are classified in terms of NMR pulse scheme and cross-peak nature. A discussion about simplicity, general applicability and accuracy for each particular NMR experiment is presented and exemplified.
The Basics of NMR
A pulse sequence is a set of RF pulses applied to a sample to produce a specific form of NMR signal. The 90-FID Sequence In the 90-FID pulse sequence, net magnetization is rotated down into the X'Y' plane with a 90 o pulse.
Pulse Sequences - Rob Schurko's Web Site - Department of …
The QCPMG pulse sequence is utilized to enhance signal to noise for nuclei possessing broad NMR patterns and suitably long transverse relaxation time constants (T2). The sequence features a 90 o pulse to get things started, followed by a series of alternating 180 o …
Determining 90° and 180° Soft Pulses - Blogger
Feb 24, 2014 · The 90° pulse is at the first maximum and the 180° pulse is at the first null. Since the duration of a the selective pulse is fixed by the desired selectivity, the 90° and 180° pulses must be found by varying the pulse power rather than the pulse duration.
Pulse sequences and the vector model
Pulse sequences are used to excite signals that are observed in an NMR spectrometer. They range from general purpose single-pulse experiments to complex highly sophisticated experiments that select specifically interacting nuclei.