Field: MORVIN - Norwegianpetroleum.no
Morvin is a field in the Norwegian Sea, 15 kilometres west of the Åsgard field. The water depth is 360 metres. Morvin was discovered in 2001, and the plan for development and production (PDO) was approved in 2008. The field is developed with two 4-slot subsea templates, tied to the Åsgard B facility. The production started in 2010.
Start-up on Morvin - equinor.com
Aug 2, 2010 · Located 20 kilometres west of the Åsgard B platform on the Halten Bank, Morvin is a subsea development with two templates and four production wells. The well stream is led through a 20-kilometre long pipeline to the Åsgard B platform for processing.
Felt: MORVIN - Norskpetroleum.no
Morvin produserer gass og olje fra jura sandstein i Tilje-, Tofte-, Ile-, Garn- og Spekkformasjonene. Reservoarene ligger i en rotert og skråstilt forkastningsblokk på 4500-4700 meters dyp. De har høyt trykk og høy temperatur (HTHT).
Subsea production system contract for Morvin awarded - Equinor
Oct 26, 2009 · Morvin is planned to be developed as a subsea tieback to Åsgard B with two subsea production system templates and a total of three production wells. The Morvin reservoir conditions are approximately similar to the nearby Kristin …
Drilling on Morvin - equinor.com
Mar 23, 2006 · The West Alpha rig has started drilling an appraisal well for operator Statoil in the Morvin structure in the Norwegian Sea. The drilling operation began on 24 March and is expected to take just over four months.
Morvin er et oljefelt, med noe assosiert gass i Norskehavet, og omfatter utbygging av brønnrammer på havbunnen som er knyttet opp mot Åsgard B. Feltet ligger i produksjonslisens PL134B blokk 6505/11, 15 km nordvest for Åsgard A‐plattformen og 21km nord for Kristin‐plattformen.
Oil & gas field profile: Morvin Conventional Oil Field, Norway
It extracts, refines, and transports natural gas, crude oil, and wind power for manufacturing of synthetic fabrics, plastics, asphalt, cosmetics, and medicines. Equinor Energy is headquartered in Stavanger, Norway. For more details on the Morvin Conventional Oil Field, buy the profile here.
Denne konsekvensutredningen omhandler utbygging og drift av oljefeltet Morvin i Norskehavet. Plan for utbygging og drift (PUD) for virksomheten planlegges presentert for regjeringsbehandling i løpet av vårsesjonen 2008.
Morvin Oil and Gas Field (Norway) - Global Energy Monitor
Morvin Oil and Gas Field is an operating oil and gas field in Norway. Project Details Main Data Table 1: Field-level project details for Morvin Oil and Gas Field
Åsgard is located at Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea - Equinor
Morvin, which is located 20 kilometres west of the Åsgard B platform on Haltenbanken, is a subsea development with two templates and four production wells. The wellstream is routed through a 20-km pipeline to the Åsgard B platform for processing.